The new Femforce headquarters is under construction, and and Valkyra (incognito) is a part of the construction crew. Why? So that when the facility is done, she can break out former Fearforce teammate Proxima, to plan a new revenge on the Femforce. Getting out was the easy part, and as soon as they're free, they're on the run immediately, recognized by law enforcement types. The Femforce, temporarily housed in a Orlando hotel while construction is completed, confront them at a downtown bus depot. A five-alarm, allout battle ensues, until a high-voltage jolt from Rayda takes down Valkyra, and the giant woman known as Tara cages Proxima in some steel girders. It would be an easy triumph for the Femforce, if not for the fact that the ambulance driver who hauled the bruised villainesses away in a police ambulance hadn't been a third former Fearforcer- Darkfire. "Terror At The Terminal" was written by Marc (Superbabes) Schezzini. drawn by Eric Coile, and inked by Mark Heike, and Chris Allen. It guest stars General Strock, Krone, Tim Allen and Al Borland. It has a certified GTS conclusion, and lots of top flight "good girl art". Plus, pinups by Eric Coile, John Dell and Manuel Benavides.
Color cover by Eric Coile and Bill Black. Interiors are black and white with graytones. Standard comic book format. Printed in 1995. |