COVER: The Count / Heike
EDITORIAL CONTENT: Pin-up of the new Ms.Victory;
Rio Rita biography entry
MILESTONES: Jen Burke becomes the new Ms.Victory;
Colt is fired as FF leader
1st Story: At What Price Victory? (20 pgs)
James Misson, ideas; Bill Black, writer / editor; The Count,
pencils / dialogue; Mark Propst, inks; Walt Paisley,
Capt. Kelly makes one last appeal to convince Jen Burke to
assume the Ms. Victory role and resolves to play dirty when
she refuses. Jen returns home to find that her husband David
has been fired, his leg has been broken, and their car has
been stolen. As financial pressures mount, and Kelly keeps
raising the ante with repeated offers, Jen's resolve weakens
until she finally gives in and accepts the job. Telling
David she is taking a secretarial job with the government,
she begins undergoing the V-47 injections and rigorous
training that gives her the super-powers of the new Ms.
Victory. One night, Jen passes through her baptism of fire
when Kelly sends her against Madame Boa, a snake-wielding
villainess who has just robbed a restaurant. Jen defeats Boa
in a battle that takes her from terror to exhilaration as
she discovers the extent of her power. Assured of Jen's
abilities and potential, Capt. Kelly takes the next step in
the government's plan. He fires Colt and introduces her to
the Femforce's new leader - Jennifer Burke as the new Ms.
Victory. |