Special double-lead issue!! First, the conclusion of the stuggle between
RAD & The BLACK TERROR and the mad genius, Dr. Lieber; as serialized
over the last two issues. When MS. VICTORY & PARAGON are kidnapped
(!?!) by Lieber, it looks like nothing more than bait to lure Rad & The
'TERROR into a trap- but is it? Find out in "Generation Gap",
written by Chris Irving, and drawn by Jeff Austin.
Then, it must
be "guest-star" month in FF, because SHE-CAT teams up with
her main squeeze, The SCARLET SCORPION, and there night out breaking
up an illegal gambling ring shows why they are NOT "Just Another
Couple". Scripted by newcomer Steve Orlando, with art by Gilberto
44 pages, black & white with color covers; standard comic
book size & format; saddle-stitched. Printed in 2006. |