Another superb cover by Will Meugniot!! With Synn's reality-warping powers seemingly out of control, the FEMFORCE have taken her to The Colorado Project for a medical intervention. But it's not always wise to leave your health in the hands of a doctor who comes from another planet, with a couple of assistants who happen to be giantesses. The therapy they concoct is definitely "outside of the box"! PARAGON'S sightlessness becomes ever more puzzling, NIGHTVEIL is barred from using her magic, and SHE-CAT goes looking for a mysterious person out of her past, only to end up tangling with ATOMAN, CARBONATOR and SPEEDBOLT of the doltish JUSTICE SQUAD. Meanwhile, SYNN just mopes and waits for whatever is going to happen to happen. All this and more in "Living In Synn, Part 1″- plot by Stephanie and Mark Heike (with a script by Mark Heike), pencils by Chris Allen and Rock Baker, and inks by Jeff Austin
.Then- hang onto your hats for the first full-length adventure with the GREATEST new super-team series since…well, since The FEMFORCE was created!! Make way for the New Earth Defense Organization Reserve- N.E.D.O.R. Agents!! In an alternate version of Earth (as is told in this tale narrated by the Femforce's NIGHTVEIL)), it's 1965, and a group of super-powered champions (based on the characters from the long-defunct Standard/Nedor/Better publishing group of the 1940′s ) has spent 20 years in readness for a terrible event, which now is almost upon them. World War II veteran heroes Black Terror, Fighting Yank, American Eagle, Doc Strange, Liberator, Woman In Red, The Grim Reaper, Commando Cubs, American Crusader, Tygra, Princess Pantha and Miss Masque are joined by second-generation heroines (and uber-babes) Candi Future, Pyrogirl and Fighting Yank, Jr. as they learn the truth about what REALLY threatens the world in "Everlasting Battle" a 25-page retro-revisionist epic that's fast-moving, sexy and action-packed. Created, written and drawn by WILL MEUGNIOT, the feature that we teased in Femforce #156 kicks into high-gear this issue- and will be soaring to even greater glories in Femforce #158!! Plus- N.E.D.O.R. Agents pin-ups by Rick Hoberg, Gerry Acerno and Keith Tucker, AND info on a special original art contest giveaway by Will himself!
Then, flip the book over, turn it upside down and check out GARGANTARAMA- The COMIC BOOK #20, this issue's Femforce flip-book feature focussing (as always) on gorgeous GIANT WOMEN!!
Cover feature DINOSAUR GIRL faces off with an Asian giantess determined to swing World War II in favor of the Axis by controlling the Pacific Theatre. If she can prevail against DG, there well may be more titanic distaff terrors created from the "Blood Of The Giantess"; a 17-page battle royale written and drawn by Rock Baker, with ink embellishment by Jeff Austin.
Then, turn the clock back to the Middle Ages that never were for another wacky adventure with ROWENA, the gentle giantess. An extreme cold snap turns out to be the work of CRYONIA, another visiting giantess- and ROWENA must find a way to convince her to move on before she and her human-sized charges become icicles. Written by Eric Lindberg, penciled by Rock Baker and inked by Jeff Austin.
In total, 84 pages of all-new, never-before-seen story and art- black & white interiors with full color covers. Still the best value in comicdom!! Printed in 2011. |