Special 75Th Issue!!! As General Strock institutes new training proceedures at FFHQ, a surprising visitor comes to call- the final addition to the Fear Force-Rad!! But how can that be, with Ms. Victory at the Colorado Complex at the same time? Later, The Traveller confides in Rad that the form they see him in is only an astral projection, and that she and the Fear Force must help him come over to the Earth plane of existance, once the Femforce is out of the way. Teaming up on Nightveil with illusions, they are able to throw her into the black dimensional void of her own Cloak Of Darkness, and with the new Rad disguised as Ms. Victory, it only takes a little spell of disguise on her to make Tara and The Sentinels Of Justice turn on the real Ms. V. "Rad!" is written by Bill Black, drawn by Brad Gorby, and inked by Mark Heike and Bill Black. Guest starring Azagoth, The Black Commando, Captain Video/Videxx, Atoman, Speedbolt, Nightman and Magic Lantern- The Justice Squad; Paragon and Commando D. Minor GTS sequence with Tara. This is the second part of a three-chapter story that was later collected into a trade paperback graphic novel titled "Sisters In Sin".
Color airbrushed wraparound cover painting by Brad Gorby, full color throughout. Standard comic book format. Printed in 1994. |