Femforce #101 The first part of a three-part story, "The Yesterday
Syndrome". To the Earth, the mission of the Femforce was a success-
the Enigma Cloud has disappeared from the planet's atmosphere. But
unknown to all, they have crash-landed back on our homeworld at The
South Pole, some two miles from the surface, in the displaced ruins
of what once was known as Atlantis. Oh, yeah- and they're at the mercy
of The Black Shroud!! Realizing their only hope for escape is through
a hitherto-unknown opening to The Well Of Souls buried there, they
make that harrowing journey, not suspecting that the cosmic chess game
that controls their fate is still ongoing, and that once they come
out of The Well, they'll drop right through a new playing piece The
Shroud has put on the board- Dr. Jimenez' Time Triangle. What's so
bad about that? He's set it so that as they pass through it, time will
begin to run backwards for the Femforce, until each one regresses past
the point of their own origin-and ceases to exist!!! Story by Bill
Black, drawn by Black and Brad Gorby, and inked by Mark Heike. It guest
stars Rayda, General Strock, Colt, Videxx, General Gordon, Fighting
Yank, and Yankee Girl.
The second story is also the first part of a
trilogy- "Synnzilla, Queen of The Monsters!" A giant woman
fan's fantasy, as we see a giantess Synn bathing in a park fountain,
towering over skyscrapers, and plucking airplanes out of the sky, until
bigger girls Tara and Garganta come to discipline her. Synn wakes up
to learn it was all a dream. GTS fans will love it- lots of plain old "good
girl art" as well. Written by Bill Black, drawn by Eric Coile,
and inked by Mark Heike.
Color cover by Bill Black and Mark Heike ,
interiors are black and white with graytones. 40-page standard comic
book format. Printed in 1997. |