COVER: Walker / Black
EDITORIAL CONTENT: Inside back cover pinup of
Nightveil, Black Commando and Ms. Victory
MILESTONES: Origin of Synn; 1st app Alizarin
Crimson (C); 1st mention of Capricorn Chronicles; Reunion
meeting of Nightveil and Synn
Story: Girl Talk (24 pgs)
Bill Black, story/ inks/ edits; Robert Walker, pencils; Walt
Paisley, letters; Rebekah Black, colors
Synn has been brought to Jungle Island, where she floats in
a stasis tank, her mind racing but apparently unable to do
any harm. On the island, Joan and Tara share a long
conversation about Tara's status as a Femforce member,
Joan's personal life, Synn's origin, and some early history
of the team. Meanwhile, in her penthouse, Nightveil broods
about Dan Barton's return but is struck by a psychic blast
before she can set out to unravel the mystery. Back on
Jungle Island, bizarre menaces appear that reflect the worst
fears of the people on the island. When the menaces fail to
appear on the security scans, Tara concludes that they must
be hallucinations and guesses, correctly, that Synn is
responsible, Hurrying back to Synn's chamber, she is met by
Ms V, Janis, and Nightveil, who releases Synn from the tank.
Nightveil explains that the illusions were Synn's way of
crying out, and she takes charge of the tragic girl,
bringing her back to the Everglades Sanctuary where she can
be better controlled. Synn says an emotional farewell to
Joan, who has again been warned of the impending doom to
befall her. |