COVER: Tom Grindberg (same logo as FF 7)
MILESTONES: Rad quits FF, Colt becomes FF leader;
Tara discovers She-Cat's identity, Origin & death of the
Haunted Horseman, 1st hint of nature of She-Cat's power and
her link with Joan Wayne
Story: Breakables (22 pgs)
Wes Covington, story; Bill Barnes, pencils; Danny Taverna,
inks; Bill Black, edits
While Nightveil recalls the recent events that culminated in
Ms. Victory's transformation into Rad, Claudette Meyler
struggles to retain control over the predatory demonic
spirit that inhabits her and is the source of She-Cat's
power. Tara finds Claudette at the high school she teaches
in and tells her that Rad has summoned the two of them to a
meeting. Tara's hand has been cruelly injured by Joan, and
Claudette puts her into a healing sleep for the drive to FF
HQ. On the way to the meeting herself, an elderly Joan flees
from a chance encounter with Tom Kelly, who is troubled by
the change in Joan and by the complexity of his feelings for
her. Later, at FF HQ, Joan announces that she is leaving the
team, which she expects the government to dissolve after her
departure. Claudette's despair over being deserted by Joan
allows the demon within her to emerge, and she attacks Rad,
exposing her identity to Tara. Rad repels the attack and
flies off, bringing the meeting to an abrupt end. Later, on
Jungle Island, Nightveil rendezvous with Tara, who
introduces her to the FF's newly designated leader, their
old friend Colt. |