Second half of the big FF 20th Anniversary storyline- "Death
Before Der Fuerher!!" While Atoman, General Strock and Ms. Victory
are virtually tortured by an obscene cyber-Hitler, genetically-mutated
stormtroopers led by the villainous Valkyra attack FEMFORCE headquarters.
When Ironjaw and The Frightenstein Monster threaten to join in the
fray, The Sentinels of Juctice arrive to help Synn, She-Cat, Stardust,
Tara & Nightveil hold down the fort. When wildcards Rad and Black
Terror jump into the mix, will it be as friend-or foe!!??! A guest-star-filled
drama in five acts, as drawn by Mr. Gorby himself, Jaunty Jeff Austin,
Don Secrease, Scott Nemmers & Ollie Drac, with inks by Mark Heike & Jeff
Plus- a tale out of the fabulous 1940's as Blue Bulleteer
and Ms. Victory dare "Lady Luger's Chamber of Tortures"-
with a guest cameo by Rio Rita. Written by Enrico Teodorani, drawn
by Larry Guidry, and inked by Mark Heike.
40 Pages, black & white
with color covers. Standard comic book size & format. Printed
in 2005. |