COVER: Heike, after Al Bryant
EDITORIAL CONTENT: Photos, article on movie
candidate Julie Michaels
MILESTONES: Joan Wayne recovers her Ms. Victory
persona, and Lady Luger is defeated.
Story: The Eleventh Hour (Countdown to Victory (30
Bill Black, story / pencils; Dick Ayers, pencils / letters;
Mark Heike / Chad Hunt, inks
Rampaging through downtown Orlando, Garganta is finally
brought under control when Buckaroo Betty and the Avenger
team up to douse her in a nearby lake. At the Mystery World
park, Luger defeats Joan Wayne with the timely help of
Voltzman's gas attack. Later, while having his injuries
treated at the same hospital where the injured David Burke
has been taken Voltzman inadvertently eavesdrops as Jen
Burke reveals her secret identity to her husband. Gordon is
furious at Jen's security breach, but later on it is Jen's
turn to be enraged at Gordon as Tom Kelly confesses the
manipulations the government has practiced on the Burkes in
order to have Jen replace her mother as Ms. Victory. Colt
interrupts their confrontation to remind Jen of their
intention to investigate the Mystery House park for its
possible connection to Lady Luger. Back at the park, Luger
has secured the weakened Ms. Victory to a giant electrical
bomb, planning to unleash her final, deadly vengeance. She
soon discovers that Voltzman, fed up with her abusive
treatment of him, plans to betray her, weakening her with
the same gas Joan has been subjected to. Joan, however,
fully regains her identity, and through sheer force of will
breaks free of her restraints just as Jen and Colt arrive.
Mother and daughter's reunion is cruelly punctuated by the
devastating blast. Meanwhile, Azagoth brings Nightveil to a
strange dimension, directing her to search a mysterious
castle for the answers she seeks regarding the source behind
Crimson's great power. As they approach, Azagoth is
assaulted by an unknown force. In a brief interlude, Tara
and Betty discuss Jen's identity while supervising Jason's
pool side play. |