Gorgana! Valkyra! Darkfire! Proxima and the female Kronon known as Krone! All are brought together on Earth by the mysterious being known as The Traveller. Though they squabble amongst themselves, with The Traveller's power boost, They make a formidable team. Their charge is two-fold: bring him mystic artifacts that increase his power, and... uh...what was that other thing?... Oh, yeah- destroy the Femforce!!! "F Is For Fear" is written by Bill Black and Don Secrease, drawn by Brad Gorby and inked by Mark Heike. Guest starring General Roberta Gordon, in her first FF appearance as there new military liason to the government, and referring to the team-up of villainesses for the first time as The Fearforce. This is the first part of a three-chapter story that was later collected into a trade paperback graphic novel titled "Sister In Sin".
The back-up (printed flip-book style ) is Dawn Hunter in "Hell Of A Holiday", written by Don Secrease and Mike Frankovich, Jr., with art by Dick Ayers and Chris Allen, and a color photo back cover of Lois Hamilton as Dawn Hunter.
Color cover by Mark Heike, (based on a design by Mike Sekowsky ) full color throughout. Standard comic book format. Printed in 1994. |