COVER: Heike/Black
EDITORIAL CONTENT: Two page pinup of the 40's Femforce
vs. Lady Luger
MILESTONES: 1st app. Stella Stargaze, Randall Crowley,
Riot O'Rourke; 1st visit to Jungle Island by Ms V &
She-Cat; 1st meeting between Captain Freedom and Ms. Victory
1st Story: Untitled ("Skin Game" on front cover)
(20 pgs)
Bill Black, script/ layouts/ inks; Mark Heike / Mark Propost,
pencils; Walt Paisley, letters; Rebekah Black, colors
Back in her Everglades sanctuary, Nightveil ponders her
return to the outside world while Ms.Victory and She-Cat
accept Tara's invitation to unwind on Jungle Island after
their Amazon adventure. On their arrival, Janis tells Tara
that some of the island's big cats have been poached. Unknown
to them, the poacher is Randall Crowley, a young Oceanus
One scientist who has fled the undersea Utopia with stolen
equipment, to the dismay of Comm. Faraday, Captain Freedom,
and Crowley's girlfriend Riot O'Rourke. The O-1 personnel
know Crowley is acting on the whims of TV personality Stella
Stargaze, but can't understand why. Meanwhile, Crowley's
activities in Jungle Island's subterranean caverns have
been detected, and the team splits up to investigate. Ms.
V and Janis are attacked in the lagoon by a giant squid
that overpowers Ms. V as the V-47 drug wears off. Joan is
rescued by Captain Freedom and taken aboard his sub as Tara
and She-Cat fight Crowley's gang in the caverns. Tara hangs
onto Crowley's sub as he tries to escape, and the two are
drawn into the maw of the giant squid. |
Heroes / Heroines |
Last App |
Next App |
Blue Bulleteer / Nightveil (Laura Wright) |
S of J 3 (C) |
FF 4 (1) |
Captain Freedom (Kent Clarkson) |
Amer 5 (2) |
FF 4 (1) |
Ms. Victory (Joan Wayne) |
S of J 3 (C) |
FF 4 (1) |
She-Cat (Claudette Meyler) |
S of J 3 (C) |
FF 4 (1) |
Tara (Tara Fremont) |
S of J 3 (C) |
FF 4 (1) |
Villains / Opponents |
Randall Crowley |
1st app |
FF 4 (1) |
Nardoz & Copley |
only app |
Dr. Rivits (F) (C) |
Bolt Spe 1(1) |
FF 10 (1) |
Stella Stargaze |
1st app |
FF 4(1) |
Supporting Characters |
Commodore Faraday |
Amer 5 (2) |
S of F 1 (1) |
Janis Lawson |
Bolt Spe 1(1) |
FF 4 (1) |
Mc Fly |
only app |
Riot O'Rourke |
1st app |
FF 4 (1) |
Others |
Stella's secretary; Jungle Island security |
Geography |
Jungle Island; Everglades; Miami; Undersea |
Sites |
Nightveil's sanctuary; Oceanus One; Stella's
apartment |
Time |
Day after Amazon Adventure; recent past (Rivits on
Island) (F) |
Magic & Tech. |
V-Jet; Crowley's sub; V-47 pill; giant squid |

Ms.V never does meet Blodgett as planned at the end of
FF 2 (1).... Janis's insecurity over Tara's new teammates is
obvious from the start.... the caverns Crowley uses are the
same as those used by Trailblazer in Colt Spe 1.... Stella
plans on getting TC Fremont into her clutches.... Captain
Freedom becomes one of the few who know Joan Wayne's
secret... The squid is revealed to be an invention of
Crowley's in FF 4 (1).... Costumes: Ms. V goes back to her
cape and long sleeves. |
2nd Story: Moon's Mind Masquerade (Pt 1) (8 pgs)
Rick Burchett, artist / writer; Paul Daly, writer; Bill Black,
In separate sequences, the Colt creative team find themselves in
several danger-filled episodes of American history. Paul finds
himself menaced by Indians at Little Big Horn, Bill is confronted by
The Clantons and McLaurys at the OK Corral, and Rick is pinned to the
wall with the Bugs Moran gang at the St. Valentine's Day Massacre. In
each case, Colt appears to side with the episode's assailants,
turning the men's trust of her into hatred. In reality the three are
being subjected to dream hypnosis by Montague Moon, who plans to
exploit their hatred to get revenge on Colt.
Others |
Moon's henchmen; Custer; Iron Knife; Clantons; McLaurys;
Earps; Doc Holiday; Moran & Capone Gangs |
Geography |
Montana; Tombstone; Chicago; W.Virginia |
Sites |
Little Big Horn; OK Corral; Chicago Garage; Moon's
lab |
Time |
Present; 6/25/1876; 10/26/1881; 2/14/1929 |
Magic & Tech. |
Colt's Clipper; Moon's Dream Hypnosis Machine |
Of all people listed, only Moon, his henchmen, and the AC
creative team actually exist in this story. All other items,
including Colt, exist only within the dream state.... Moon's lab is
revealed to be in W.Virginia in FF 4 (2).... Story includes 1st
mention of the Durango Kid in an AC story.
Based on
The Official Guide to The AC Universe by Ken Kerouac
Entire contents Copyright (C) 1995 - 2015 AC Comics - Used by permission
of AC Comics..