The spotlight falls on Nightveil, Sorceress Supremme this issue, as
she stars in not one but two stories. First, it takes a trip to
The Limbo Void (and the combined aid of Synn and Commando D to finally
secure the supremely- powerful mystical talisman known as - The
Prima Gem; in an untitled story written by Bill Black, with pencils
inks by Jeff Austin.
Then, the feature event- is it reality, or
is it a phantasm? Nightveil journeys to far-off Altair to reunite
with her star-crossed lover, Dan Barton. a.k.a. The Black Commando.
Or does she? Why must the powerhouse known as Paragon come to her
aid, and how is Alizarin Crimson involved? Find out in "The
Dream", written and pencilled by Mark Glidden, and inked by
Jeff Austin.
Then, a "good girl art" blast from the past,
with a never-before-reprinted adventure from the The Golden Age,
starring the Nedor Comics blonde Bombshell known as Miss Masque,
in a wild and wooly adventure drawn by Lin Streeter.
44 pages, black
and white with color covers, standard Femforce 10" X 6" size.
Printed in 2004. |