COVER: Meugniot
EDITORIAL CONTENT: Back cover pin-up of
Ms.Victory's 50th Anniversary
MILESTONES: Beginning of the Rad vs. Lady Luger
storyline; Panzer comes to the present from WWII
Story: Rad vs. Ms. Victory (5 individually titled
chapters) (30 pgs)
The Count, story / layouts; John Nadeau, pencils; John
Robinson / John Dell, inks; Rik Levins, letters; Bill Black,
Rad's flamboyant lifestyle has once again put her in dire
financial straits until a man named Harcourt offers a 100
million dollar payment for Rad's services on a mission, the
full details of which he doesn't immediately reveal. To
fulfill her part of the deal, Rad dons her old Ms. Victory
costume and bluffs her way through Latimer Labs security to
make off with Dr. Jimenez' time triangle. She delivers the
device to Harcourt, who dispatches her through the portal
with a group of mercenaries. Emerging among the smoldering
ruins of 1945 Berlin, she soon finds herself on the wrong
side of a battle with the 1940's Femforce, who mistake the
strange newcomer for an ally of the Nazi villainesses Lady
Luger and Panzer. Meanwhile, the mercenaries have carried
out their assignment from Harcourt, who is revealed to be
Fritz Voltzman, one of Hitler's most trusted scientists.
Finding the Fuherer, they rescue him from the Allies by
transporting him to the 1990's. Rad, finally realizing the
nature of the unholy plot and nearly panicked at the thought
of being left behind, breaks off the battle with her former
teammates and dashes through the still-functioning portal to
find all of the Nazis waiting for her. Hitler plans to
revive Nazism and make Rad its American symbol, but Rad's
deep-buried patriotism revives, and she hurls Hitler and
Luger back through time, closing the portal to prevent their
return. She soundly defeats Panzer, who has remained in the
present, and makes off with Voltzman's money. As Voltzman
stands in the rubble of his shattered dream, an aged Lady
Luger arrives. She assures the overjoyed Voltzman that their
vision of conquering America is very much alive, but she
must first regain her youth and exact revenge on the
Femforce. |