Bigger and better than ever, this issue features 87 PAGES OF ALL-NEW, NEVER-BEFORE-SEEN story and art!! Beyond John Nadeau's breathtaking digitally-painted cover, you'll read the stunning conclusion to the long-running "Living In Synn" storyline, in a 24-page lead feature written by Mark Heike, with art by Rock Baker and Jeff Austin. Learn the REAL reason behind Synn's loss of control, and see MS. VICTORY, STARDUST and NIGHTVEIL shrink to microscopic size to deal with it. You MAY be shocked to learn the cause of it all, and who saves the day in the end!!
Then, it's STORMY TEMPEST in the far-flung future, in the conclusion of the two-part adventure started in FF #156. It's "A Big Hand For The Little Lady", written by Bill Black, with art by Eric Coile and Scott Shriver. Intergalactic bounty hunter Clayton the Sleeper finally gets his!
And in the aftermath of Synn's rescue, NIGHTVEIL returns to her Everglades sanctum. Unable to leave well enough alone, her mystical meddling brings our world a new meanace, WAMPYR, the vampire sorceress, in "The Best of Intentions", with a script by Mark Heike, and art by the team of Baker and Austin.
And if ONE STORMY TEMPEST story in this issue was not enough, here's another!! "Time Grows Short" wraps up the serial adventures of STORMY in the present-time, as written by Len Strazewski, with art by Scott Larson and Jeff Austin.
Next, the quiet between cosmic adventures is no respit for TARA FREMONT, as she runs afoul of that giant-sized bad girl Marla (HUMONGA) Allison in "Big Temper", written by Eric Johnson, pencilled by Dan Gorman and inked by Jeff Austin.
Then, return to the war-torn days of the early 1940′s as DINOSAUR GIRL and her allies The War Birds must deal with a new threat to the Allied forces- giant prehistoric reptiles, in "Priorities Of War", the 17-page first-half of an epic tale written and drawn by Rock Baker, with inks by Scott Shriver.
And last- but certainly NOT least, Will Meugniot's smash hit N.E.D.O.R. AGENTS series is back with it's latest installment, "Lunar Trap For Pyrogirl". With the 'lectrical lass headed for the moon straight into an alien ambush, how can the rest of her teammates save her back in 1965? You'll have to read the story to find out!! Written, penciled and inked by creator Will Meugniot, of course.
BONUS- this issue features the first-ever cover appearance of the N.E.D.O.R. AGENTS, as the NA feature is being run as a flip-book with FEMFORCE, the back cover being N.E.D.O.R. AGENTS #0!!
Seven stories in all- no ads OR reprints!! Standard comic book size, 92 pages, color covers with black and white interiors; saddle-stitched. Released in 2012. |