As dissention and stress from within and without pulls at our team,
TARA FREMONT stands tall in the spotlight this issue. NIGHTVEIL returns
with an apology to MS. VICTORY after last issue's walk-out, admitting
her self-doubt over STARDUST'S death. General Strock is on hand to
drop a bombshell upon SYNN and the rest when she announces former
liason General Gordon's political aspirations in "Which Is The
Reflection and Which Is The Image", written & drawn by Mark
G. Heike.
Then, writer Maura Grundmeyer unleashes a terrible new
menace that TARA must (initially) face alone in "The Botanist",
with Part 1 drawn bt Will Broadbent and Jeff Austion, and Part 2
by Rock Baker & Austin.
Then, flip the book over, and you have
the latest (and greatest yet) issue of GARGANTARAMA- THE COMIC BOOK-#8,
featuring the return of ROWENA , The Gentle Giantess, as she and
her tiny companion, Cedrick, confess their love for each other, But,
Cedrick's former employer (and resident giantess hunter) Sir Hubert
must still be dealt with. Written by Eric Lindberg, with art by Rock
Baker and Luis Alonso.
Then, the debut of a NEW GTS heroine, GUARDIANA!!
The champion of an alternate-world Earth overrun by alien invaders,
Guardiana stands alone to preserve Earth for Earthlings- no matter
WHAT sizethey are!! Written by Enrico Teodorani, with art by Giuseppe
Latanza and Jeff Osgood.
Then, ANOTHER debut GTS feature- from the
fertile mind of writer-artist Rock Baker comes...Dinosaur Girl!!
Set in the 1940's, a lost girl who takes refuge in a strange African
cave gains size-changing poweres via strange radiations emanating
from the cave walls. When love interest Rex Strand brings lovely
Vivian Watson home, they soon become a globetrotting, crimefighting
twosome. The start of a great new continuing feature!! Art & story
by Baker, with inks by Paul Wills.
All told, it's 40 pages of Good
Girl art action and adventure- half Femforce and half Gargantarama.
Standard comic book size; black & white interiors with color
covers- saddle- stitched. Printed in 2008. |