The FEMFORCE rarely deals in "all-out action issues", but this edition of our long-running FF series heads in that direction, as one-time FF member, sometimes- villainess and daughter of team leader MS. VICTORY, RAD finds herself accidentally pulled into the long-running WAMPYR/CIANOSE DJAB storyline while trying to be a responsible "good samaratin". One thing leads to another, and before you know it, she's in a donnybrooke with most of the FEMFORCE team, in "Hello, It's Me", plotted and penciled by Rock Baker, story and script by Mark Heike, and spectacular ink finishes by Jeff Austin.
Meanwhile, SHE-CAT, still trying to avoid the ire of Ms. VICTORY over SYNN's romp on the West Coast in Femforce #163, is still away from the team, remembering back on a solo mission she went on some months back in the mysterious region known as The Dawn World. There 'Cat had to contend with both prehistoric and antidelluvian menaces AND the cat-diety known as BAST. See the savage SHE-CAT forced by Sekhmet to retrurn to her ferile roots.
Everyone's favorite reluctant superheroine YANKEE GIRL returns in another all-new adventure. A Rocky Mountain retreat turns into an encounter with other-worldy visitors wherin Yankee Girl learns the truth of that old adage -size matters!! "Invasion!" is written by Frank Tra, drawn by newcomer Riccardo Dessini, and awesomely inked by the great Jeff Austin.
After last issue's short "teaser", interplanetary trouble-shooter STORMY TEMPEST is back, in a feature-length story that harkens to her live-action, Galaxy International/ CultRetro video adventures. STORMY and S.H.I.P. must save a sentient alien race from the intergalactic threat known as- The SWARM!! Written by Frank Tra, it is illustrated by the team of Rock Baker and Scott Shriver.
Finally, that gentle giantess of the middle ages that never was- ROWENA- is back!! When a disreputable wizard convinces Row's sister-in-law that the ONLY way to cure her recurring nightmare is to become a giantess herself, all hell breaks loose (in hilarious fashion) in Appleton!!Art by another great newcomer, penciler Seth Bunke- and inks by returning sophmore sensation,inker Mark Dail!!
As always, Femforce #165 is a full eighty pages of all-new, never-before-seen "good girl"/action art and story in standard comic book size. Full color cover, black and white interiors, saddle-stitched, for $9.95, available right here and now. Released in 2013. |