All Color!!! The new Rad (Jennifer Burke ) is relaxing in Miami, plotting her next move. Her manipulation at the hands of the government has made the Rad persona permanent. She decides her best career decision is- become gangland boss of South Florida. Trouble is, she's not the only one with that idea. While Rad terrorizes the local toughs to soften them for the takeover, Reddevil and Crimebuster doubt the headlines that scream "Iron Jaw Is Dead". (It apparently happened in She-Cat #5.) And rightly so, as he comes back to dispose of old an enemy , former FBI chief Loover. While She-Cat investigates yet a third gangster, the mysterious Mr. Brimstone, she makes the shock eaquiantance with his top enforcer. "Radical Reactions", is written by Bill Black, drawn by Brad Gorby and Richard (The Count) Rome, and inked by Mark Heike. It guest stars Buckaroo Betty, General Gordon, and David and Jason Burke and The Scarlet Scorpion.
Color cover by Brad Gorby and Mark Heike. Standard comic book format. Printed in 1994. |