The Capricorn Chronicles Book Three": "Red Dominion" The Femforce returns to interior color with this issue!!
Synn befriends No-Nose Nanette in Limbo, and she is able to speed our heroine on her search for Nightveil, but when she finds her, it's the wrong one!?! As the horrible Red Rain of Capricorn falls on Russia, a doomsday strike of nuclear retaliation is launched on the U.S. , and Ms. Victory takes the brunt of the explosion with her own invulnerable body. As Wendall Clanton's followers are bringing Capricorn to our world to feast on souls, the real Nightveil returns, and together with Azagoth and The Haunted Horseman, stop him at the gate. Story by Bill Black, drawn by Brad Gorby and Mark Heike. Inked by Mark Heike. Guest starring Buckaroo Betty, General Gordon, The Green Lama, Miss Masque, The Avenger, Dr. Jonathan Weir, Captain Flash, Yankee Girl and Jason Burke.
Color cover by Richard Pollard and Mark Heike, full color throughout. This is the third part of a three-part storyline that was later collected into a trade paperback graphic novel titled 'Capricorn Chronicles". This book is standard comic book format. Printed in 1993. |