Solo adventures are the order of the day in the latest big, 80-page issue of FEMFORCE; #160. In a period of rare calm between universe-shattering emergencies, the various members of the FF are following their own interests and fending for themselves- in this era and others!! In the present, SHE-CAT heads to New Orleans for a few days of revelry, but is soon pulled into a macabre murder mystery in "Trail of the Velvet Ghost", written by Frank Tra, with art by Eric Coile and Scott Shriver. Check out this spooky new villainess!
Then, STARDUST is up in Earth orbit, doing a favor for her NASA co-workers when she ends up fighting for her life on the "Satellite of Hate". Written by Eric Johnson, with art by Chris Allen and Scott Shriver.
SYNN ends up in a impossible adventure (with tons of guest-stars and the "return" of an old flame? ) in "Perfect Gentleman", written by Frank Tra, with art by Rock Baker, Scott Shriver and Jeff Austin; and
NIGHTVEIL continues to fret about the possible threat of the evil Wampyr in "Palindrome", written by Mark Heike- with art by Anthony Conversano, Mark Seppe, Scott Shriver and Mark Heike. Has another strange visitor given NV a clue to Wampyr's next move?
Then, in a previously-untold story from 1941 (actually BEFORE the formation of the FF), young government research director Joan Wayne dons the red, white and blue costume of "MISS" Victory to face the threat of "The Master of the Lightning", in one of her earliest cases; as written by David Watkins, with art by Rock Baker and Jeff Austin.
Next, it's the Post-War year of 1947, as BLUE BULLETEER finds herself tangled up in gangland murder in "Trophy Wife Scorned", written by Maura Grundmeyer, with art by Scott Larson and Jeff Austin. (This tale is actually a reprint, having appeared some years ago as a back-up in GREEN LAMA #2. It's some excellent work by Maura, Scott and Jeff; not seen by many FF readers previously, and establishes some back-story for an all-new sequel that is currently being drawn for an upcoming issue.)
Then, back in the present; that goofy, gorgeous giantess Marla Allison returns as HUMONGA in "Growing For The Gold". Peeved that her Hollywood career never rated an Academy Award, Marla and her staff concoct a plan to try to manipulate the Tinsel Town system to get an Oscar-night victory. Written by Eric Johnson, with art by Dan Gorman and Jeff Austin.
Finally, an encore STARDUST story, relating back to her Rurian birthing day ceremony, last seen back in FF #26. Dusty THINKS she's all alone on Earth's moon, but troublemakers (with a cellphone camera) abound in "Stardust Memories: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly", plotted by John Gotschall and Rock Baker; penciled by Rock Baker, with script (yes, that's right- SCRIPT) and inks by Jolly Jeff Austin.
Never before have we had as many pages of actual FEMFORCE story and art in a regular issue of the ongoing FF series as in THIS one!! No ads, no editorials- just 100% great "good girl" art comics!
Standard comic book size; 80 pages, black & white interiors with color cover by the late, great Eduardo Barreto. Saddle- stitched. Released in 2012. |