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Femforce Index

Femforce 40


COVER: Ayers / Heike

EDITORIAL CONTENT: Back cover pin-up of Ms.Victory's 50th anniversary; reprints of front & back covers of Paragon Publications Tara No. 2

MILESTONES: She-Cat forms new bond with Star-dust; Nathan Margold hires Mark Benton as a bodyguard.

1st Story: Femforce Inside Out (19 pgs)

Bill Black, story / art / edits; Mark Heike, finishes; Tim Twonky, letters

Nightveil, still maintaining She-Cat in a hypnotic trance, mystically enters She-Cat's psyche for a face-to-face confrontation with Sekhmet. Believing Nightveil helpless to stop her plans, the cat-goddess brazenly describes the nature of She-Cat's past bondings and discloses how Octavia Howard's impending death will bring an end to Cat's humanity as well. Back at Femforce HQ later that evening, Nightveil has determined to bond with She-Cat herself and obtains assistance from Ms. Victory and Synn. In the midst of the bonding, Nightveil is called away by Azagoth. Synn and Jen are baffled by the sorceress's disappearance and rush the critically weakened She-Cat to the hospital. There they are met by Tara and Stardust, who have spent the day searching fruitlessly for Janis Lawson. Suddenly the heroines are attacked by She-Cat, who has become overwhelmed by Sekhmet's spirit. Synn restrains Cat long enough for Stardust to use her stellar energies to complete the bonding and restore She-Cat to normal. Unseen by the others, Laura returns to Earth, grief-stricken over deserting her comrade. During She-Cat's struggle, several other notable events occur. Nathan Margold hires Mark Benton to protect him from the threat of the Black Commando, who continues his quest for vengeance by kidnapping the infant Octavia. Later, Lady Luger offers Rad refuge form the government in return for the restoration of her youth. Joan, still unaware of the old woman's true identity, readily accepts, marking the beginning of the end of her life as Rad.

Heroes / Heroines

Last App

Next App

Ms. Vlctory II (Jennifer Burke)

FF 38 (2)

GGAQ 5 (1)

Nightveil (Laura Wright)

FF 39 (2)

GGAQ 5 (1)(C)

She-Cat (Jessica Hunt)

FF 39 (2)

GGAQ 5 (1)

Stardust (Mara)

FF 39 (1)

GGAQ 5 (1)(C)

Synn (Silva Synn)

FF 39 (1)

GGAQ 5 (1)

Tara (Tara Fremont)

FF 39 (1)

GGAQ 5 (1)

Terror (Mark Benton)

U O Ms V 1

Ms V GA Sp 1 (1)

Villains / Opponents

Black Commando (Dan Barton)

FF 38 (3)(C)

FF 41 (3)

Lady Luger

FF 39 (2)

FF 44 (3)

Rad (Joan Wayne)

FF 38 (2)

GGAQ 5 (1)(C)


FF 39 (1)

FFUC 4 (1)

Supporting Characters

Azagoth (C)

FF 36

NV CofH 3 (3)(F)

Octavia Howard

U O Ms V 1

FF 41 (3)

Mr & Mrs James

only app

Janis Lawson (F)(C)

FF 39 (1)(F)

FF 41 (2)

Nathan Margold

FF 13

Ms V GA Sp 1 (1)




Orlando; Egypt (F)(C); Washington (F)(C); Jungle Island


She-Cat's psyche; Sekhmet's tomb (F)(C); gov't lab (F)(C); Kilmer Hotel; Femforce HQ; Paramore Street (James home); Rad's health food store; Orlando Regional Medical Center


Present; one 24-hr period between midnight and midnight (specific times listed: 2AM, 7AM, 6PM, 7PM, 8PM, 8:16PM, 11:59PM)

Magic & Technology

V-46 drug; Rurian spacer; Commando's gun

Nightveil's mystic senses recognize that the young girl who saved She-Cat in FF 15 and the baby she is made aware of here are the same Octavia Howard, but she had not heard the story She-Cat told in FF 16 about Octavia's de-aging.... V-46 is identified here as the variant of the super-soldier formula that was used by Mark Benton.... Stardust attempts to use Rurian technology to pinpoint Janis's location by analyzing strands of her hair.... Nighiveil harbors private fears that bonding with She-Cat will further distance her ffom the humanity she is trying so hard to regain.... The perpetual ebb and flow of Synn's intelligence and maturity is dramatically shown in her calm assumption of leadership and her reassurance of Jen following Nightveil's disappearance.... She-Cat's bond with Stardust is much stronger than her bond with Octavia; as a result, she loses most of her feline physical features.... Dusty expresses mild concern about how compatible She-Cat's bond will be with Stardust's alien physiology.... She-Cat's mention of Nightveil "getting weird this time of year" pins this story near the Halloween season.... ln FF 42, Laura expresses regret over leaving She-Cat in her time of need, but the only clue she provides to her disappearance is the quasi-dimensional sludge she showers away.

2nd Story: Enter Lady Liberty (8 pgs)

Bill Black, script; Marc Hempel, art

The moguls of Galaxy International Pictures pick Tara as a natural for the hit TV series Lady Liberty. Tara's reluctance is eased in part by her father TC, who strikes a deal that will benefit Tara's beloved Dark Continent as well. As weeks go by, the show achieves top ratings and arouses the jealous ire of the show's former star Sparrow Spigot, who left to pursue a film career. Spigot re-programs a robot that nearly kills Tara before she destroys it during filming. Spigot then attacks Tara in person but is easily overcome. The whole fight is captured on film, and Tara's stardom is assured.

Heroes / Heroines

Last App

Next App

Tara / Lady Liberty (Tara Fremont)

1st story

GGAQ 5 (1)

Villains / Opponents

Sparrow Spigot

only app

Supporting Characters

Stoney Dennis

only app

TC Fremont

FF 36

FF 46 (1)

Samuel T Zarkoff

1st app

GGAQ 8 (1)




Los Angeles; the Dark Continent


Galaxy offfices & studios; TC Fremont's offfice; Sparrow's apt.


Present (late 70's - out of continuity)

Magic & Technology

TV robots re-programmed by Sparrow

An out-of-continuity reprint from the Paragon Publications magazine Tara 2.... The story spoofs popular TV shows of the time (late 70's) and introduces Tara's old Lady Liberty guise.


Based on The Official Guide to The AC Universe by Ken Kerouac
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