COVER: Meugniot
EDITORIAL CONTENT: She-Cat 2-pg centerfold; "Rad
Speaks!" editorial
MILESTONES: 1st mtg. of the Femforce and the new
Ms. Victory; 1st app of the new FF HQ (their fourth since FF
1); Colt officially leaves; Synn returns from limbo;
Nightveil regains powers
1st Story: With Friends Like These?!? (15 pgs)
The Count, story / pencils; Mark Propst, inks; Rik Levins,
letters; Bill Black, edits; Rebekah Black, grey tones
In one more ambitious attempt at public relations, Captain
Tom Kelly arranges for the Femforce, including the new Ms.
Victory, to appear on the Arsenio Hall show. The TV spot,
which is also the first opportunity for the team to meet the
their new leader, takes a disastrous turn when She-Cat,
resentful over Jen's instructions that she pretend to be the
original Ms.Victory, goes berserk and attacks her on camera.
The other members get swept up in the battle and receive a
stern reprimand from Kelly on the flight home. Back in
Orlando, Kelly gives the team a tour of their sparkling new
headquarters, then says farewell to Colt, thanking her for
her interim services as team leader. After Colt departs,
She-Cat, Stardust, Synn, and Dragonfly assume very chummy
attitudes and set off to explore their new surroundings,
deliberately cold-shouldering Jen, who tearfully tries to
cope with her teammates' rejection by reminding herself that
finding and curing her mother is a higher priority than
being friendly with the rest of the Femforce. |
Others |
Arsenio's audience; Moon's henchmen (C); Colt's enemies
(C) |
Geography |
Hollywood; Orlando outskirts |
Sites |
Arsenio's studio; new Femforce headquarters |
Time |
Present (one day / one evening); soon after the Jungle
Island Shroud investigation and battle; soon after 2nd
story |
Magic & Technology |
Femforce jet; state of the art meeting room |
As Rad explains in her editorial, The three stories in
this book are in reverse chronological order, placing this
story after the four heroes leave Jungle Island following
the Shroud battle.... The Femforce are unaware that Jen has
been ordered to impersonate the original Ms. Victory; their
resentment of her for doing so is the first in a number of
misunderstandings that foster the team's hostility toward
her.... Dragonfly has by this time presumably fought her
battle with the Psiborg alongside the Shroud (shown in FF 31
(2)), leaving the taint of the latter's evil inside her....
Kelly's farewell to Colt in front of the Femforce is the
group's first knowledge of her departure.... Colt puts up a
brave front, since the "business of her own" she mentions
apparently doesn't exist; she instead heads for a trough in
her life, drinking too much and hanging out with Rad (FF 29
and 34).... Although Colt works with the Femforce on
numerous occasions after this story, she has no further
official ties to the group until FF 71, when she is named a
lieutenant on the Federal Emergency Mission Force. |
2nd Story: Beyond the Wall of Dreams (3 pgs)
Mark Heike, story / art; John Dell, inks; Jim Rossow, letters; Bill
Black, edits
With her great power fully restored, Nightveil meditates in her
Sanctum about unresolved situations in her life. Her thoughts turn to
Synn, whom Nightveil escorted into limbo before her powers were
diminished. Although Synn had originally entered limbo for her own
safety as well as the world's, Laura's compassion now moves her to
search the Limbo void to find Synn and bring her back to reality.
After a mystic search across the bewildering expanse of nothingness,
Nightveil locates Synn, who is aware of the lack of control she has
over her powers and apprehensive about returning to the physical
world. Nightveil is encouraging however, and pledges the support of
their powerful friends in the Femforce. The pair exits limbo directly
into Femforce HQ to a less than enthusiastic welcome from the other
members of the team.
Heroes / Heroines |
Last App |
Next App |
Dragonfly (Nancy Arazello)(C) |
1st story |
GGAQ 2 (2) |
Ms. Victory II (Jen Burke)(C) |
1st story |
GGAQ 2 (2) |
Nightveil (Laura Wright) |
FF 27 (1) |
3rd story |
She-Cat (Cass/Cleo Angora)(C) |
1st story |
GGAQ 2 (2) |
Stardust (Mara)(C) |
1st story |
GGAQ 2 (2) |
Synn (Silva Synn) |
1st story |
G from LSD 1 (1) |
Tara (Tara Fremont)(C) |
FF 27 (1) |
G from LSD 1 (1) |
Villains / Opponents |
None |
Supporting Characters |
None |
Others |
None |
Geography |
Florida Everglades, Limbo Dimension |
Sites |
Nightveils Sanctum, Femforce HQ |
Time |
Present after the 3rd story and preceding the 1st
story |
Magic & Technology |
None |
3rd Story: You Only Die Twice
Bill Black, story; Norman Hardy, pencils; Mark Propst, inks; Jim
Rossow, letters
Reunited brother and sister, Roger and Laura Wright, are enjoying a
day at the beach, as Roger recaps how he contracted cancer due to
overexposure to radiation while on a mission as The Avenger. He
recalls how he allowed Dr. Weir to place him into suspended animation
in hopes of one day reviving him after a cure for his cancer was
found. He instead was revived in order to fight the deadly menace of
The Black Shroud. His sister, Nightveil, is unsure that she can
oppose someone as powerful as The Black Shroud with her reduced
powers. Roger suggests that they go back into time to try to regain
her full powers. In the past they try to prevent the death of the
Haunted Horseman and kidnap Dr. Martin Stone in order to lure the
Haunted Horseman to Skull Rock. When the Horseman appears, the
Avenger tries to warn him of his impending death. He explains that he
is from the future, and that he is aware that Azagoth gave the
Horseman the Cloak of Darkness. Nightveil appears and explains that
Horseman will die when her Cloak of Darkness touches his. She
purposely leaves her cloak some distance away, knowing how the
Horseman is to meet his death, but the mystic cloak acts with a mind
of its own, chasing down Rex Fury and killing him as before. Rex's
death, destined under any circumstances, proves to be an event of
great, powerful significance, as Rex Fury becomes a true spectral
rider of the plains, and Laura's power is finally fully restored,
enabling her to face the impending battle against the Shroud with
renewed confidence and determination.
Heroes / Heroines |
Last App |
Next App |
The Avenger (Roger Wright) |
AC Ann 1(2) |
FF 29 (1) (C) |
Haunted Horseman (Rex Fury) |
AC Ann 1(2) |
FF 29 (1) (C) |
Nightveil (Laura Wright) |
2nd story |
GGAQ 3 (1) |
Dr. Jonathan Weir |
FF 27 (1) |
FF 29 (1) |
Villains / Opponents |
None |
Supporting Characters |
Azagoth (C) |
Dr. Martin Stone |
Others |
Beach bathers; doctors (F); Apache citizens |
Geography |
Naples, FL; South Pacific (F); Upstate New York (F),
Apache, Texas |
Sites |
Hotel Floridian; Weir Asylum(F); Skull Rock |
Time |
Present, preceding the first two stories; October 21,
1874 |
Magic & Technology |
Roger's mystically-charged jersey; Cloak of Darkness |
As depicted in FF 8 (1), the last chapter of the FF/Sentinels Old
West crossover, the Haunter's death occurs on the night of October
24,1874, putting this adventure on or about the 21 st (the 1875 year
given is one off).... The Avenger recalls the events that led up to
his tenure in the Vault, originally depicted in FF 19 (2)....
Nightveil halted the Avenger's cancer by mystically charging his
emblem in AC Ann 1 (2).
Based on
The Official Guide to The AC Universe by Ken Kerouac
Entire contents Copyright (C) 1995 - 2015 AC Comics - Used by permission
of AC Comics..