COVER: Heike/Black
MlLESTONES: Origin of Rip Jaw; FF's 1st encounter
with Rip Jaw; 1st app of Reggie Blodgett (C)
1st Story: A Gentleman Named Rip Jaw (20 pgs)
Bill Black, story/ inks; Mark Heike, pencils; Wall
Paisley, letters: Rebekah Black, colors
As Dr. Jimenez fills in the Femforce on the events
leading up to their being surrounded by Arachna and her
Amazons, Tara listens in. Having avoided capture, she
learns about Rita's sacrifice into the time transporter
and bravely enters the portal, anchoring herself to the
present with a rope. The next morning, as Ms. Victory,
She-Cat and the Blue Bulleteer are about to be sacrificed,
Rip Jaw crashes into the Amazon city bent on stealing
the time machine. As the battle rages, Tara and the rescued
Rita emerge from the time portal followed by a horde of
prehistoric beasts that scatter Amazon and gangster alike.
The Femforce quickly take control of the city and hustle
the time machine away in Rip Jaw's Rover, leaving him
a captive of the Amazons. Enraged, he fights his way out,
swearing to get the device back and exact violent revenge.
Homebound in the V-Jet, Joan calls her daughter and is
shocked to learn that an old acquaintance, Reggie Blodgett,
has come to call. |
Heroes / Heroines |
Last App |
Next App |
Blue Bulleteer (Laura Wright) |
FF 1 (1) |
S of J 3 (C) |
Colt (Val Kirk ) (F) |
FF 1 (2) |
FF 3 (2) |
Ms. Victory (Joan Wayne) |
FF 1 (1) |
S of J 3 (C) |
She-Cat (Claudette Meyler) |
FF 1 (1) |
S of J 3 (C) |
Tara (Tara Fremont) |
FF 1 (1) |
S of J 3 (C) |
Villains / Opponents |
Queen Arachna |
FF 1 (1) |
O of A Spe 1 (F) |
Rip Jaw (Turk) (O) |
FF 1 (1) |
O of A Spe 1 |
Wallow and Satch (Rip Jaw's men) |
FF 1 (1) |
O of A Spe 1 |
Supporting Characters |
Reggie Blodgett (C) |
1st app |
Un. O. of Ms. V Spe 1 |
Jason Burke (C) |
Ms V Spc 1 |
NV 7 (1) |
Jen Burke |
Ms V Spe 1 |
NV 7 (1) |
Rita Farrar |
FF 1 (1) |
Un O of FF 1 |
Dr. Carlos Jimenez |
FF 1 (1) |
S of J 3 |
Others |
Amazon warriors; Vinnie Fulton's
mob (F); police (F); man who heals Turk (F) |
Geography |
Amazon jungle; Newark, NJ (F);
Unnamed city (prob. Orlando) |
Sites |
Amazon City; Chili Bordello; FF
HQ |
Time |
Present (day after FF 1 (1)) |
Magic & Tech. |
Time Machine; V-Jet; Rover; Colt's
& Blue Bulleteer's pistols |

Turk, prior to his accident, was a member of Vinnie
Fulton's mob, dating his origin to slightly before that
of the Scarlet Scorpion's....Colt's pursuit of the gang
was partly responsible for Rip Jaw's disfigurement....The
South American drug dealer who informed Rip Jaw of the
time machine may have been Marco, who must have spoken
to Rip Jaw prior to this story....Rio Rita is present
but unseen as Rita talks with her via radio.... Reggie
is later seen to have played a part in Ms V's origin,,,.Rita
Farrar's next appearance is in the reprint of this story
included in Untold Origin of the Femforce Special 1. |
2nd Story: Pursuit (9 pgs)
Mark Propst, story/ pencils; Jim Sanders, inks; Thomas Scott,
letters; Rebekah Black, colors; Bill Black, edits
Detective Joan Mann is hired by Boris and Natasha to obtain
a ceramic moose. She finds one at the apartment of film producer
Burt Silvermane while posing as an aspiring starlet. As she
is about to flee with the object, Backus, an arachoid, takes
it from her at gunpoint. She chases him down, and they realize
they have both been duped by Boris and Natasha in order to distract
them. The pair of evildoers have sent a killer named Chid to
eliminate a witness who could testify against Natasha. Joan
and Backus arrive in time to destroy Chid and save Ms. Cherrick.
In the end, the two become partners.
Heroes / Heroines |
Last App |
Next App |
The Last Detective (Joan Mann) |
only app |
Backus |
only app |
Villains / Opponents |
Boris & Natasha |
only app |
Chid (D) |
only app |
Supporting Characters |
Ms. Cherrick |
only app |
Burt Silvermane |
only app |
Others |
Honeymoon couple |
Geography |
New York City |
Sites |
Franco's; Silvermane's apt. bldg.;
Joan's office |
Time |
Future |
Magic & Tech. |
Backus' Blaster |
This story has no apparent direct relation to AC continuity....Boris
and Natasha are spoofs of the Bullwinkle cartoon characters.
Based on
The Official Guide to The AC Universe by Ken Kerouac
Entire contents Copyright (C) 1995 - 2015 AC Comics - Used by permission
of AC Comics..