COVER: Meugniot / Heike
MILESTONES: Darkfire revives; deaths of the Lynx,
Doc Strange, and Fighting Yank
Story: War! (Under the Shadow of the Shroud, Pt 2)
(31 pgs)
Rik Levins, plot; Bill Black, script / edits; John Nadeau /
Bill Marimon / John Dell, pencils; Walt Paisley, letters
Ms. Victory stands amidst the wreckage of the Black Shroud's
machinery, hoping that her destruction of it will stop the
Well of Souls from expanding. The Well, however, continues
to grow, and the Shroud appears to boast that his apparatus
was needed only to start the process, which will now
continue automatically. As Jen charges, the Femforce's
battle with the villains gathered on Jungle Island suddenly
explodes into the caverns. The heroines are hard-pressed
against the evil hordes until they are reinforced by the
Sentinel and Vault heroes. As the battle rages, injuries and
fatalities mount until Nightveil seizes a voodoo doll Umbra
had used on her. Altering the effigy to resemble the Black
Shroud and donning Weir's Purple Claw, Nightveil fells all
of the villains with a single mystical attack. The heroes
leave the villains in complete defeat to tend to their
wounded at FF HQ.
At the Weir Asylum, Weir's assistants Cap and Curly save
the comatose Darkfire from murder at the hands of a Vardax
chameleon. Darkfire quickly revives and explains that her
expanded mental powers have made her a significant threat to
the Shroud's plans. Realizing the danger, the Shroud has
sent the Anti-Paragon, Jong Sue Chae, and Psiborg to
eliminate her. In turn, Darkfire has mentally summoned her
own defenders, and the trio of villains' attack on her is
intercepted by Atoman and the Justice Squadron. Suddenly a
huge shadow looms over the battle, and both hero and villain
alike are fearful of the giant apparition.
Meanwhile, in Bayport, Buckaroo Betty tells Nikki Latimer
how she came through the Time Triangle and how her new
surroundings seem strangely familiar to her, like something
out of a dream. |