COVER: Hardy / Heike
EDITORIAL CONTENT: Inside cover text on Dr.
Pretorius; Part 2 of Bill Black Interview
Story: Pretorius Rex (35 pgs)
Prologue / Epilogue: The Count, art; Bill Black, script;
Mark Propst, inks Main Story: Anthony Oshmago, story / art;
Bob Lewis, inks; Walt Paisley, letters; C. Allen / M.
Sheppe, tones; Bill Black, edits
Colt, having discovered Rad's whereabouts, pays her a
surprise visit to get Rad to join the Femforce. Colt departs
in failure, but not before Joan gives her a tip about some
top secret Government Femforce and Sentinels files that have
been stolen. Unknown to either of them, the thefts have been
committed by Dr. Pretorius, acting through a robot construct
impersonating a Naval officer. His psychotic lust for
revenge leads him to enlist two pawns: Cindy, a young girl
he hypnotizes, and a young dying man to whom he administers
a variant of V-45. Luring Rad and Colt to a playground area
near the Naval base, Pretorius launches a two-pronged
attack, having Cindy shoot Colt near the site of a time bomb
he planted, and dropping the man directly onto the battle
zone for a more physical assault. The young man, mutated to
enormous size and strength and crazed with pain, creates
havoc at the base as his fight with Rad is joined by
Nightveil, who mystically sensed the danger, and Paragon,
whom Laura has pulled away from their investigation of the
Shroud. Nightveil defeats the man and learns the cause of
his painful death. Meanwhile, Paragon gets the wounded Colt
clear of the bomb, but Rad fails to rescue Cindy, grieving
as the young girl is caught in the explosion. The battle
ends tragically, with the Femforce still unaware that
Pretorius was the mastermind behind the mayhem. |