COVER: Black / Heike
EDITORIAL CONTENT: Garganta pin-up; "La Force
Feminine" pin-up on back cover
MILESTONES: 1st major appearance of Capricorn;
prelude to the Capricorn Chronicles
Story: Crimson: Inside the Limbo Lost (Countdown
to Victory (28 pgs)
Bill Black, story / art; Mark Heike, inks; Tim Twonky,
Exiled in the Limbo Void, Alizarin Crimson finds herself
suddenly swept along with the souls of the dead toward the
giant cavernous mouth of the Great God Capricorn, who has
reached into the dimension of the walking dead to feed. The
sorceress, plucked out of limbo into Capricorn's realm,
pleads for her life and promises to deliver the powerful
Femforce to satisfy the Goat God's voracious appetite.
Meanwhile, at the abandoned Mystery House Theme park, an
aged Joan Wayne struggles into Lady Luger's quarters and
convinces Voltzman that she is his evil mistress and that
the formulas combining youth and super strength have somehow
failed. Voltzman administers another dose, restoring Joan to
her full power. In a cold fury, she pummels the Nazi
scientist and escapes to atone for Luger's violent acts. In
Orlando, at the Federal building where the Rad
(impersonating Luger) is being detained, Jen Burke is
stunned to learn that her husband David has been arrested as
Rad's suspected accomplice. When David awkwardly confesses
to Ms. V. that he trailed his wife to Rad's store fearing
she was having an affair, a sorrowful Jen decides to reveal
her identity. At that instant the building is rocked by the
explosive entrance of Crimson, wielding increased power
bequeathed to her by Capricorn and commanding two hideous
serpents, one of which carries off Jen's unconscious form.
Crimson then turns her attention to the other Femforce
members elsewhere in the building, distracting Synn's mental
energies long enough for Luger to break free of her
restraints and flee. During the battle, She-Cat and Synn are
both critically injured, and Stardust is drawn into a black
hole created by the combination of her stellar powers and
Crimson's arcane forces. Just as Stardust disappears, the
real Nightveil emerges from the portal, swelling to immense
proportions in her wrath and crushing Crimson beneath her
giant foot. Crimson escapes by slithering into the dimension
of Capricorn, who watches with some apprehension through a
trans-dimensional viewer as Nightveil vows to track down the
source of Crimson's enhanced power. |