Femforce #103 This is part 3 of the three-part "Yesterday Syndrome" storyline.
And then there were two. With Ms. Victory devolved out of existance,
only She-Cat and Nightveil (in her non-powered Blue Bulleteer persona)
are left, and they are in the clutches of Lady Luger, in the bunker
of the German High Command, in the waning minutes of The War in Europe.
History plays out as it should for all therin, except for the Femforcers.
As Nightveil winks out of existance, She-Cat slides back further in
time, to 1938.
Meanwhile, in the present, general Strock sends a contingent
of paranormals in the Enigma Cloud, now found in the asteroid belt
beyond Mars, in search of the missing Femforce. What Paragon and the
others find there is Bolt, and four strange alien entities that split
off from him when he was rejoined with his human side; The Multibolts.
Learning little from him, Bolt is soon teleported away by the strange
being known as The Shimmerer. Where should he wind up but in 1938,
with She-Cat, who has tricked The Black Shroud into confronting her
there physically, in a time period when he is vulnerable to attack.
With The Shimmerers help, Bolt and 'Cat move forward through time again,
undoing the deaths of the Femforce.
When they return to the present,
they find their adventure in the time continuum has apparently altered
events, and only the FF remember how they happened. "She-Cat...
Last Hero Standing!" is written by Bill Black, drawn by Brad Gorby
and Dick Ayers, with inks by Mark Heike. Guest starring Yankee Girl,
Fritz Voltzman, Rumblebolt, Blazebolt, Freezebolt and Flexibolt; General
Strock and Commando D.
Then, it's another giant woman bonanza, in "The
Big Deal", written by R. Lee Brown, drawn by Eric Coile, and inked
by Mark Heike. Not only did the Garganta formula that Stella Stargaze
slipped Marla Allison turn her into a giantess and give her destructive
eye-beams, it made her crazy as well. Even a Garganta growing up in
height to match her can't stop the rampaging actress, only a cold shower
brings her back down to size. Great GTS cat-fight action.
Color cover
with interiors black and white with graytones. Standard comic book
format. Printed in 1997. |