COVER: Meugniot
MILESTONES: Return of Garganta; the Shroud gathers
his forces.
Story: The Return of Garganta the 50-ft. Woman (33
The Count, writer / designer; Mark Propst / Mark Heike,
pencils; Heike / Chad Hunt / John Dell, inks; Jim Rossow /
Walt Paisley, letters; Bill Black, edits
Since recovering from her experiences as Garganta, Dr. Carol
Heisler has continued her government research. One morning,
however, she is unwillingly subjected to an
electro-stimulation experiment ordered by General Gordon.
The reaction is greater than Gordon expects, for Carol again
grows to titanic proportions and begins another mindless
rampage, packing even more power than before. Forcing her
way through a barrage of artillery, she dives into the sea
and escapes. Capt. Kelly calls Jen Burke away from a weekend
at home to join him, Gordon, and She-Cat on a carrier at
sea. En route, their copter is attacked by Garganta, whose
powers have enabled her to adapt to her environment and
mutate into a giant sea creature. During the night on the
ship, the military commanders devise a plan. Having tracked
Garganta's deep-sea movements, they send the invulnerable
Ms. Victory down after her toting a disrupter gun guaranteed
to either return Garganta back to normal or destroy her. Jen
finds Garganta further mutated into a strange aquatic life
form. Before she can fire the disrupter, however, Carol
telepathically conveys to Jen the peace and harmony she
realizes in her new home. Overwhelmed by the tranquil
emotions, Jen discharges the weapon harmlessly into the
water and surfaces. To protect Garganta, Jen lies and
informs the carrier crew that she killed her. Her claim
arouses even further hatred in She-Cat, smug satisfaction in
Gordon, and suspicion in Tom Kelly.
Meanwhile, the Black Shroud begins assembling his evil
army and convinces the villains of his power by revealing
that he orchestrated the Armageddon Factor, which destroyed
the planet following the Earth / Vardax war. He also reveals
other events in which he played a role, including the
resurrection of the Black Commando, the villainy of Stella
Stargaze, and the terrifying nightmares that have been
plaguing the heroes recently. |