The most unthinkable has occurred- Former general (now retired) Richard
Gordon has entered plotical life. During the end of his military
service, Gordon made life hell for the Femforce. As the official
government liason to the team, they took orders from him. Now, Gordon
has his eyes on quite a prize- the US White House- and based on his
popularity, he just might get his parties' nomination. When in Orlando
on the campaign trail, the FF is called upon to handle security at
a Gordon rally, and as the only two members not actively pursuing
a case, SHE-CAT and TARA are drafted into duty. The night becomes
more than an irritating chore when not one but TWO of the FF's most
wanted foes show up there-the time-travelling STORMY TEMPEST, and
the feral feline known as PRIDE, in "Pride Goest Before A Fall",
written & drawn by Stephanie Sanderson-Heike, and inked by Mark
Heike.!! Neither TARA nor SHE-CAT come out of the conflict in the
same shape that they went in!!
While this is occuring. MS.VICTORY
tangles with two of SHE-CAT's recent opponents CALAVERA and The MACHETEER,
(in "Strange Magic", written by Enrico Teodorani and Mark
Heike, with art by Aurelio Mazzara and Richard Scott) before racing
to the hospital to check on her fallen comrade, directly afterward
she and SHE-CAT, while looking for PARAGON, encounter a mysterious
woman in a back-alley, where they also find the subject of their
search, tragically stricken, in "Beware What You Wish For",
written by John Gotschall, with art by Scott Larson and Jeff Austin.
Meanwhile, SYNN and NIGHTVEIL convene at the Colorado Project, where
they are assembling paranormals (with the help of General Roberta
Gordon) to battle the evil of the Old Dark Ones, in "The Coming
Battle", written by Mark Heike and Enrico Teodorani, with pencils
by Scott Larson and Alessio Nocerino, and inks by Heike and Jeff
Then, turn the book over, flip it upside down, and enjoy
the "flip-book" feature on the back of FF #149- GARGANTARAMA-
The Comic Book #12!! As always, it's giant women aplenty, with the
latest installment in the saga of the economy-sized WWII superheroine,
DINOSAUR GIRL- "Fall Into Danger"!! While Vivian (DinoGirl)
Strand and her husband Rex await the inevitable attack of the giant-sized,
all-girl Nazi platoon of Colonel Von Klaa on the very jungle island
where Vivian got her size-changing powers, she must do battle with
two of her reptilian namesakes just to survive!! Story and pencils
by Rock Baker, ink finishes by Jeff Austin.
Then, a NEW GTS feature-
witness INFERNA- half-demoness, half human, and all GIANT-SIZED!!
Created & written by Enrico Teodorani, pencilled by Luigi Giordano,
and inked by Richard Scott.
Next, it's the gentle, medevil giantess,
ROWENA in "Love And War", Chapter 3. Giant-sized ROWENA
and her normal-sized fiance' Cedric the Squire make another pre-nuptual
visit- this time to ROWENAS's family- every ONE of them as big as
she is- maybe bigger!! How will they react to the upcoming wedding?
Written by Eric Lindberg, drawn by Rock Baker, with spectacular ink
finishes by Jeff Austin. All this plus a Too Tall TARA pin-up drawn
by the multitalented Mark S. Dail!!
Two great features in one book-
FEMFORCE #149 AND GARGANTARAMA #12- 44 pages in all, standard comic
book size, black & white with color covers, saddle striched.
Printed in 2009. |