Things have been too quiet for the FEMFORCE for too long. Why, it's been SO long between threats to the world as we know it, that the team members have been able to take some time off. But the holiday is over, and now it's time to get back to work. And once those "What I Did On My Summer Vacation" essays are written, the order of the day for those glamorous super-gals MS. VICTORY, NIGHTVEIL, SHE-CAT, SYNN, STARDUST and TARA is to find that mysterious trouble-maker from a few years back known as RENEGADE. This seems straightforward enough, until that unpredictable wild card known as RAD gets pulled into the mix. Then, you never know what you might end up finding when you go digging around in other people's genes. It's old faces in new places, the crank-up of a couple of new storylines, guest-stars, mystery, revelations, laughs, and even some action in "Hot Fun In The Summertime", written by Mark Heike; with art by Rock Baker and Jeff Austin.
Then, the long-talked-about vampiric villainess WAMPYR finally surfaces to start her plan for global domination- in a very different place- and in a very different way than you would ever imagine. And is the shadowy figure who seems to know her a threat or an aid to her master plan? Find out in "See No Evil"; scripted and inked by Mark Heike, with pencils by Eric Coile.
Next, it's SYNN going undercover at the Orlando Municipal Library to ferret out an otherworldly threat in "Book 'Em, Synn", written by Mark Holmes, with art by Rock Baker and Jeff Austin.
After that, we dig back into the casebook of untold stories out of the FF's past. It's the summer of 1970, in the steaming jungles of Southeast Asia, and the US military "Welcomes The Femforce", in a very offbeat tale written by Erik Matthews ( Because Steven Stills, Roger McGuinn and Eric Burdon were unavailable), drawn by (ex-serviceman) Eric Coile, and inked by Scatt Shriver (because he's a really good inker).
But that's not all. This issue also features " The Iron Claw of Fear", starring TEAM PARAGON, in an "elseworlds" type of story postulating " what if the AC Comics Universe never existed, and Bill Black's original Paragon Publications line had continued telling stories?" It's a team up of the ORIGINAL Paragon versions of four AC characters; "Captain" Paragon, Silva Synn, "The Girl From LSD", alien female powerhouse "Dr Mara" and a very different Scarlet Scorpion. They face the threat of the villain known as The Iron Claw in a story that builds on continuity from the old Paragon Publications line. (Most recently seen reprised in this year's "Bizarre Thrills: The Paragon Publications Story" TPB.) Written, penciled and inked by that creative dynamo, Eric Coile.
Also- ROWENA, the gentle giantess of the Middle Ages is back, facing new danger from that necromancing nincompoop Deoban in "Doppleganger", written by Eric Lindberg, with art by Rock Baker and Jeff Austin.
Finally, this jam-packed issue closes with the latest saga of DINOSAUR GIRL. It is still the early 1940′s; the dark hours of World War II. But this issue Vivian( DINOSAUR GIRL) Strand and her husband Rex are stateside, enjoying a little West-Coast R&R; but things take a horrible turn when they decide to spend "A Day At The Zoo." Written and drawn by Rock Baker, with ink finishes by Jeff Austin.
Once again, it's 80 pages of brand-new, never-before-seen comics thrills, adventure and cheesecake, in the BEST value in comicdom, Femforce #161. Black and white interiors with full-color covers; 80 total pages, saddle-stitched, standard comic book size- NO ADS!! Released by AC Comics in 2012.
(And get ready for FF #162, coming in January, 2013!! A special 30th birthday of AC Comics issue with lots of extras and surprises!! More details on it in the editorial in this issue.) |