16, 12 09, 22:33 Filed in:
Matty from Mattycollector.com takes the time to answer questions from collectors.
1. The majority of the DC Infinite Heroes single figures hit the stores in February 2009. Until now there have been very few new single figures available at retail. Will all of the single figures shown at SDCC be in the stores before the end of 2009, or will we have to wait until 2010 to see them all at retail?
Much like with JLU, some of the IH figures shown at SDCC will not make it to retail until 2010. But we are working hard to get them out!
2. DCIH - The Toys-R-Us exclusive Gotham Patrol 6-pack never showed up in many parts of the country. Has Mattel made plans to rerelease the Jason Todd Hush, Killer Croc and Catwoman figures on single cards or in a 3-pack?
No plans right now for a re-release or a single pack out. But this pack has still been spotted on shelf as recent as October, so it is still out there!
3. DCIH - Why were there so few new 3-packs and 6-packs in 2009? We only saw the Gotham Knight, Shazam, and Public Enemies 3-packs and the Mallah’s Revenge and Public Enemies 6-packs. Was the delay in production or at retail?
We have been working with all of our retail partners to get new IH figures out to shelves as quick as possible.
4. Do you consider using parts across different toy lines or do prefer to sculpt new ones? Scareglow’s head might be good for a DCUC Mr.Bones or Atomic Skull. The Batman: The Brave and the Bold armored Batman from the Gorilla Grodd set would make a nice S.T.R.I.P.E. for the DC Infinite Heroes. The Action League Black Manta head would go nice on a DC Infinite Heroes body. Consider playsets or vehicles that could be designed for the Batman:The Brave and the Bold toy line or Action League but also compatible with the DC Infinite Heroes figures?
We will occasionally mix parts between lines of a similar brand, but you won’t see parts from a MOTUC figure being used for a DC figure or Ghostbusters character. Good suggestions though!
5. I saw the most recent JLU 6-packs at Target, and I noticed that several figures had warped legs in the package. I do not want to buy the figures if they are just going to fall over. Will the weak ankle problem ever be fixed on the JLU figures?
We’ll pass this comment onto design. We’re always looking for ways to improve upon our figures and will make sure to make note of this concern.
Tags: Ask Matty, Mattel, DC Infinite Heroes
16, 12 09, 21:48 Filed in:
Personal | Comics | Pop Culture
I’ve been collecting comic books for 25 years. Over that time I’ve accumulated boxes and boxes of comics. Now that comics have entered the digital age, I wish that I could have my collection stored digitally, or in the future, just download the newest issues that I’ve purchased online. No more comic book bags, back boards or storage “longboxes”. Just my comics stored on my computer’s hard drive and a back-up drive. I am usually on the computer every day reading the news or surfing the web, so why not reading my comics?
However I can’t do that just yet. DC Comics has not offered their monthly comics for digital download, other than the 6 page previews that they offer from time to time. But that may be changing soon as many publishers are looking to sell digital content. You will soon be able to buy magazines and comics in a downloadable format that you can view on a computer, or small portable electronic device, like an iPod, Sony PSP and the upcoming tablet devices. Digital comics can be sold much cheaper than printed comics and still make the comic book publisher more money. Plus the internet offers a bigger audience of people for them to attract new readers.
Sure the printed format for comics will not go away, as many fans prefer the traditional style comic book that they can hold, but for some people like myself, I’m ready for digital comics whenever DC Comics begins to offer them.Tags: DC Comics
01, 12 09, 22:32 Filed in:
Matty from Mattycollector.com takes the time to answer questions from collectors.
1. Will the future DC Infinite Heroes females figures get new arm and hip articulation? Yes or No?
Yes, we plan on adding new articulation to all of our IH figures!
2. I like the added articulation on the 3.75" Superman / Batman: Public Enemies figures. However, one of my Superman figures leg snapped at the knee when I tried to bend it. The knee joint looked like it was fused solid and broke instead of moving freely. I've read of similar reports online. I want my figures to be able to sit down. Can this problem please be fixed soon?
We’ll pass this along to our safety team. If you have exact images of any damaged figure that you can post on our Facebook page, that is the best way for us to correct any errors. We’ll do all we can so this does not happen.
3. Mattel has allowed Toy Fare to conduct fan polls to determine future figures in the DCUC toyline. Can a similar poll also be done for DCIH and JLU? Mattel can suggest several characters for singles or suggest multi-pack combinations and let the fans decide online.
This is something we are looking into for 2010! Stay tuned.
4. Now that the new DC Infinite Heroes figures that were shown at NYCC and SDCC are FINALLY on their way to stores, how long before the next wave of new figures and the new theme are announced? Before the end of 2009 or will we have to wait until Toyfair 2010?
We will most likely hold off on announcing more figures until NY Toy Fair in February at our collector night. Although we might sneak a surprise or two in there before hand!
5. The new 3.75" Public Enemies figures used a new body style that has less muscle definition on the torso, arms and legs. They look less like SUPER HEROES and more like average athletes. I'm sure that Mattel can use these bodies for Avatar figures and future 3.75" wrestlers. Can you please put some muscles back on the Super Heroes or go back to the older body style?
We’ll pass this suggestion on to the design team!
Tags: Ask Matty, Mattel, DC Infinite Heroes
08, 11 09, 00:03 Filed in:
Toys07, 11 09, 23:54 Filed in:
Pop Culture | Toys25, 07 09, 20:09 Filed in:
Comics | Movies and TVGreen Lantern: First Flight will be released on DVD and Blu-ray on July 28, 2009.
I plan on going to Best Buy to get the special edition with the exclusive Green Lantern: Hal Jordan action figure from the DC Infinite Heroes toyline.
Here is a link to the official movie website.
http://www.warnervideo.com/greenlanterndvd/Tags: Cartoons, DC Comics, DC Superheroes
25, 07 09, 19:31 Filed in:
Comics | Movies and TVOne of my favorite comic book stories is being adapted into an animated movie.
Superman/Batman: Public Enemies will be released on DVD and Blu-Ray on September 29, 2009.
Here is a link to the official website to view the movie trailer.
http://www.warnervideo.com/supermanbatmandvd/Tags: Cartoons, DC Comics, DC Superheroes
25, 07 09, 19:11 Filed in:
ToysThis week the San Diego Comic Con event is in full swing.
DC Direct will have a set of exclusive Hal Jordan Blackest Night figures for sale at the Graphitti Designs booth.

Here's the breakdown of availability:
Wednesday (Preview Night) - July 22 - 6:00 pm Hal Jordan: Green Lantern - 3,000 pieces available
Thursday, July 23 - 10:00 am
Hal Jordan: Yellow Lantern - 1,500 pieces available
Friday, July 24 - 10:00 am
Hal Jordan: Blue Lantern - 1,500 pieces available
Saturday, July 25 - 10:00 am
Hal Jordan: Orange Lantern - 1,500 pieces available
Sunday, July 26 - 10:00 am
Hal Jordan: Red Lantern - 1,500 pieces available
Each figure comes with its own lantern and a wearable power ring customized to each Corps. Each figure is available starting its respective day, and will continue to be on sale until it is sold out. Each figure comes in its own four-color box.

Tags: DC Direct, DC Comics, DC Superheroes
25, 07 09, 18:45 Filed in:
BLACKEST NIGHT continues to astonish as DC Direct introduces the third series of action figures based on this storyline!
Don't get caught without these new action figures, including Aquaman, the third member of the Black Lanterns; Arisia, the Green Lantern charged with protecting Earth; Larfleeze, the only living member of the avaricious Orange Lantern Corps, who comes with the slain - and slavish - Glomulus; and Star Sapphire of the Zamorans, whose members battle using the violet power of love.
All four figures feature multiple points of articulation and include a display base. Larfleeze, Arisia and Star Sapphire also come with lantern accessories.
4-color clamshell blister card packaging.
Advance-solicited; on sale March 3, 2010Tags: DC Direct, DC Comics, DC Superheroes
24, 06 09, 13:30 Filed in:
Mattycollector.com will be offering a special Crisis themed 4 figure set of DC Infinite Heroes on their website.
The DC Infinite Heroes figures include; the Monitor, Psycho-Pirate, The Flash 2 (Barry Allen) and Supergirl.
Judging from the photo of the card back, it appears that these figures may have unique details that make them different from the ones that will be available at retail stores.
Supergirl: special figure has battle damaged outfit and the regular one at retail has the normal outfit.
Flash 2 (Barry Allen): special figure has a decomposing head and the regular one at retail may have a normal head.
Psycho-Pirate: special figure will be wearing the Medusa Mask and the regular one at retail will have his face visible.
Monitor: I'm not sure if there will be differences in the figure yet.
More details on these DC Infinite Heroes figures should be revealed at SDCC next month.

Tags: Mattel, DC Superheroes, DC Infinite Heroes
24, 06 09, 12:56 Filed in:
ComicsMost of the comic books that I read are from DC Comics, however I do read some titles from other publishers.
I first read Femforce #3 from AC Comics almost 25 years ago. Femforce comics feature the adventures of an all-female team of super heroines. Now issue #150 will be coming out in time to mark the Femforce’s 25th Anniversary.
AC Comics started out as Paragon Publications in 1969, and 2009 marks the 40th Anniversary for this independent publisher, one of the oldest publishers in the comic industry today.
Congratulations to Bill Black, Rebekah Black, Mark Heike, Stephanie Heike and Brad Gorby for all of the great comic stories and art that helped Femforce reach this milestone.
$9.95, DOUBLE-SIZED 84 page format, saddle-stitched
** Not Yet Available - Shipping in AUGUST 2009 **
Black & white interiors with full color covers.
Writer's and Artist's Names: Writers include FF creator Bill Black, Mark & Stephanie Heike, Enrico Teodorani, Eric Lindberg, Eric Johnson, Rock Baker and John Gotschal. Artists include Black, Heike, Jeff Austin, Rock Baker, Scott Larson, Richard Scott and Kevin Nordstrom. Cover art by FEMFORCE creator Bill Black.
Intended Audience: All-ages readers who like Silver Age-style superheroics as well as classic "good girl" art. Collectors who are interested in "milestone issues" would have an interest in this one, as well.
Format: Standard comic book dimensions, but a special DOUBLE-SIZED, 84-page length. Black and white interiors with color covers; saddle-stitched.
Synopsis: SPECTACULAR DOUBLE-SIZED ISSUE!!! While chaos reigns on Earth, NIGHTVEIL, Ms. VICTORY and SYNN lead an all-star force of paranormals to another planet, in another dimension, to fight the ultimate evil- The OLD DARK ONES!! In the heat of battle, a shocking revelation- STARDUST LIVES!! Guest stars galore!!
Special Notes: When writer/artist and AC Comics publisher Bill Black published the first appearance of the group, the FEMFORCE SPECIAL #1, in 1984, exactly 25 YEARS AGO, who would've believed it would come to this? Yet here it is, the historic 150th issue of the regular FEMFORCE COMICS ongoing title, featuring special cover art by Bill black himself- and inside, TWICE as many pages as the previous FEMFORCE standard; a full 84 pages of story and art. And as befits a special issue, the story itself will wrap up continuity that has been running continuously in Femforce since #137, as She-Cat regains her powers, Stardust (thought dead since #140) comes back, and the team is returned to full strength in the wake of a battle to the finish with the unearthly Old Dark Ones; a plotline harkening back to concepts Bill Black introduced in his pre-AC Comics line, Paragon Publications, in 1976!! Of course, such a monumental cosmic clash requires the FEMFORCE to ring in help, so this story will feature guest-appearances by loads of other AC heroes & heroines, including The SHADE, FIREBEAM, BOLT,The HAUNTER, COMMANDO D, ASTRON and ASTRA, PARAGON, The SCARLET SCORPION and lots more. There will be a number of back-up stories and special features , in addition to an extra-long GARGANTARAMA section making up the back half of this 84-page flip book. (Please Note: this 84-page length/$9.95 price will become the standard for new issues of FEMFORCE after #150, as well; each new issue being virtually the size of a graphic novel from now on. For FF readers, it will be TWICE as many pages of FEMFORCE action for LESS THAN 1 &1/2 times the price, from this issue on!!!) 24, 06 09, 11:13 Filed in:
Toys | Custom Action FiguresHere is a cool custom figure made by Carbonor.
This is Cir-El, also known as Supergirl, as she appeared in the Superman / Batman comic.
I love the Ed McGuinness style action figures that DC Direct makes and this is one that I hope they make in the future.
Figure - Superman/Batman (McGuinness) Superwoman
Cape - Silver Age Superman Robot Superman

Tags: Custom Action Figure, DC Superheroes, DC Direct, DC Comics
15, 06 09, 12:24 Filed in:
Toys15, 06 09, 12:16 Filed in:
As the cousin of Superman, Power Girl packs quite a punch as one of the heaviest hitters in the JSA. And now, she stars in her own smash-hit monthly series, further increasing her popularity and cementing her place as one of the greatest superheroines of all time!
This latest addition to the instantly popular COVER GIRLS OF THE DC UNIVERSE statue line is posed just as she appears on the variant cover of Adam Hughes' POWER GIRL #2.
Hand-painted, cold-cast in porcelain and measuring approximately 9" tall x 6.5" wide x 4.25" deep, this statue includes a 4-color Certificate of Authenticity and is packaged in a 4-color box. Limited Edition. Manufactured to order.
Advance-solicited; on sale February 24, 2009
$99.99 US

Tags: DC Direct, DC Superheroes
03, 03 09, 19:55 Filed in:
Comics | Movies and TVI picked up the new WONDER WOMAN animated movie today.
I bought the BEST BUY edition that comes with a Wonder Woman action figure from the DC Infinite Heroes toyline.

Here is a link to the official website.
http://warnervideo.com/wonderwomanmovie/Tags: Cartoons, DC Comics, DC Superheroes