I'm Ready for Digital Comics
16, 12 09, 21:48 Filed in:
Personal | Comics | Pop Culture
I’ve been collecting comic books for 25 years. Over that time I’ve accumulated boxes and boxes of comics. Now that comics have entered the digital age, I wish that I could have my collection stored digitally, or in the future, just download the newest issues that I’ve purchased online. No more comic book bags, back boards or storage “longboxes”. Just my comics stored on my computer’s hard drive and a back-up drive. I am usually on the computer every day reading the news or surfing the web, so why not reading my comics?
However I can’t do that just yet. DC Comics has not offered their monthly comics for digital download, other than the 6 page previews that they offer from time to time. But that may be changing soon as many publishers are looking to sell digital content. You will soon be able to buy magazines and comics in a downloadable format that you can view on a computer, or small portable electronic device, like an iPod, Sony PSP and the upcoming tablet devices. Digital comics can be sold much cheaper than printed comics and still make the comic book publisher more money. Plus the internet offers a bigger audience of people for them to attract new readers.
Sure the printed format for comics will not go away, as many fans prefer the traditional style comic book that they can hold, but for some people like myself, I’m ready for digital comics whenever DC Comics begins to offer them.Tags: DC Comics