Masters of the Universe Classics

Customizer:  Rabid_Ewok


Air Attack He-Man
Air Attack He-Man was made using a Mo-Larr body, with a He-Man head, and the arms and feet of a New Adventures He-Man.  The wings are from Angella, and the furry pants are from Ditztroyer.  The chest armor is a combination of Apoxie Sculpt, styrene, and zip ties.  The shield was made from wood circles, googly eyes, and Apoxie Sculpt.   I also added styrene wings to a power sword cast.

cc41 Air-Attack He-Man action figure

Fright Flight Skeletor

Fright Flight Skeletor was made using a Lord Dactus Torso and wings, with the head, arms, legs, and pants of Skeletor.  The top of the chest armor was partially re-sculpted.   The shield was made from wood circles, styrene, googly eyes, elastic, and a Scareglow head cast.  I also added styrene wings to a power sword cast.

cc41 Fright-Flight Skeletor action figure