CustomCon 39
Customs made by Jeremy Tobin

Captain Cold - Super Powers Red Tornado torso, Firestorm arms, Flash legs, Desadd head, and Dark Knight Bruce Wayne face.

Bizarro - Dark Knight Batman torso and shoulder, Toy Biz Iceman I legs and arms, Super Powers Superman head

Kid Flash -Super Power Robin torso and arms, Firestorm legs, Flash head.

Wonder Girl - Super Powers Wonder Woman with Toy Biz Storm feet

Captain Atom - Super Powers Superman with Jurassic Park Muldoon head.

Hawkgirl - Toy Biz Invisible Girl, JLU Hawkgirl head, Super Powers Hawkman wings

The Atom - Super Powers Flash with Green Lantern arms.

Black Vulcan -Super Power Superman torso and arms, Dr. Fate arms, Congo Kaneegha head.

Obsidian - Super Powers Red Tornado head, torso and arms, and Aquaman legs
All characters and logos are © and ™ by their respective companies.