Customs by
Matt Cauley (aka Iron-Cow)
Web Address
All figures shown on this page were created by Matt Cauley of
Iron-Cow Productions. Additional Iron-Cow Prod. customs can be
seen by visiting www.ironcowprod.com

Cyclops is adapted from a DCDirect Silver Age FLASH figure.
Clear vinyl was added to form the detailing on the gloves,
belt, and boots while the visor is modified from an X-Men
Movie Scott Summers figure.

PHOENIX II (with Phoenix Force display
Phoenix was created using a multitude of parts. Her upper
body is from a Princess Fiona figure, from the McFarlane
Shrek movie line, while her legs originally belonged to an
X-Men Movie Jean Grey. The head is from a McFarlane Metal
Gear Fortune figure and the ponytail is leftover from the
Princess Fiona figure. The artwork on the display base was
was created in photoshop by Matt Cauley, based on the fantastic
X-Men #199 cover as originally drawn by John Romita Jr.

Rogue is primarily a DCDirect Phantom Lady, modified to better
serve Rogue's character design. Her head is reworked from
a DCDirect Wonder Woman while her gloves came from a McFarlane
Metal Gear Solid figure. Clear vinyl forms the skirt, while
Kneadatite was added to create the sash and additional elements.
Storm is reworked from a DCDirect Fatality figure. The original
surface details were sanded down to provide a less decorated
base. Certain elements, such as the gloves, were created
using Kneadatite. The vest comes from an X-Men Movie Scott
Summers figure. The head was at one point a McFarlane Spawn
Dominia figure, though it's been heavily modified to reflect
Storm's mohawk look.

NIGHTCRAWLER (with Teleporting Action
Display Base)
Nightcrawler originally began as a reworking of an Inflato-Spider-Man
(the one that came with the raft awhile back). Due to the
lack of necessarily articulation, Nightcrawler was further
reworked to add legs from the Black Costumed Spider-Man figure.
The hands and feet came from the Giant-Sized X-Men boxed
set Nightcrawler figure. The head is a modified Astro City
Confessor figure, while the tail is taken from an X-Men Evolution
Nightcrawler figure.
The base was a lot of fun to create. It involves three 'water
spout' bases from the Marvel Legends Namor figure, all of
which were reworked with modeling paste to acheive the right

Wolverine is a reworked Water Wars Wolverine with a casting
of the Evolution of X Wolverine head. Clear vinyl was used
to create the belt. Though the Water Wars Wolverine was originally
intended for a 5" scale ToyBiz line, I feel it better
reflects a 6" scale Wolverine. He really comes across
as a runt now.

Shadowcat was definately one of the more involved customs
in the project. Her recipe is similar to the Phoenix II (Princess
Fiona torso, X-Movie Jean Grey legs). Her forearms come from
the Astro City Confessor figure while her head is a modified
Phantom Lady noggin. Additional elements were created using
clear vinyl.

Colussus is a reworked DCDirect Amazo figure. The belt comes
from a Danger Girl Major Maxim figure while the head is reworked
from a Maximum Sweat wrestling figure. Additional details
were created using Kneadatite and clear vinyl.

At this point, Nimrod is almost entirely an original sculpt.
He initially started off as a red guard figure from the Tron
2.0 line, but that served only as a skeleton to work from.
The entire surface is created using clear vinyl and Kneadatite.
While it's a little rougher than I should have liked, it's
still a fun display piece and it's massive size makes him
tower over the other X-Figures.