and Cons
a continuation of the Adventures of The DC Universe Hasbro as
announced this year a new sub-line of figures called the "Variations
that Make Sense" line. These will come in "themed"
waves. The first waves are all under the heading "Pros and
Cons." These figures consist of 2 assortments that will run
simultaneously with each other broken into 2 groups: popular villains
incarcerated convicts and favorites from the DCU as in their everyday
life as professionals.
1-The Pros:

Wayne- Bruce is the simplest of repaints. Get rid of the Fire
engine red overcoat and paint it black!!
Kent-Clark is the body, arms, legs and hat of the Speed Racer
Inspector Detector figure. The head is from the Clark Kent torso
of the Quick Change Superman. I had to build a neck from sculpy.
I know a lot of people make their Animated Clark customs with
the Two Face body, but I wanted to use a base body that gave him
more upper body bulk, like the regular Superman figure has. He
looks kind of awkward being so big and stuffed into a suit, but
I like that. It reminds me of the Jeff Loeb interpretation of
Superman from "Superman: A Man for all Seasons" where
Clark was really just an oversized homesick farm-boy. I really
like the pen in his front coat pocket, no good reporter would
go out without one.
Lane- Lois was an Animated Supergirl. She repainted with a sculpy
jacket and sleeves. You may also remember her from the Reign of
the Superman line from the last Custom Con but I thought she was
appropriate to include in this line also.
Commissioner Gordon- Gordon is my answer to all the people that
complained when we FINALLY got a Gordon figure that he didn't
have his coat. Gordon is the head and hands from the Commissioner
Gordon figure and the body, arms and legs of a TerrorCast Joker.
His tie is cut from a Batman cape. The gun and binoculars are
from various Speed Racer figures. When I was making him I tried
using the legs from the Gordon figure also, but that gave him
a ridiculous wide stance, so I put the old legs back on.
Al Ghul- This is an old Charlie Jackam recipe. He is a Ra's head
on the Movie Two-Face body. The cape is the Batman cape and cowl
(with cowl removed) from the Undercover Bruce Wayne figure. His
left hand with the gun molded in it was replaced... but I don't
remember whom I borrowed it from.
Luthor- Lex is another simple one... but one Hasbro NEEDED to
do. He's a Lex head and a repainted Two-Face body.
Penguin (Casual)- I'm not sure who the body for this guy was.
I think it was either a Beetlejuice or a Ghostbusters figure.
I found it at a yard sale on my toy run one weekend and thought
it would make a funny Penguin in a smoking jacket figure. I like
how in the comics Penguin has turned into this kind of nightclub
owner with underworld ties. So, I thought I'd give him a kind
of Hugh Heffner look. He's made from that unknown body and a heavily
modified Super Powers Penguin head. His cigarette holder is a
piece of wire. My wife picked the colors for him.