Racer series #3 recipes:
Red Blazer Speed (or Happy Doodle as I like to call him) is made
from a ReSaurus Grand Prix Speed and an Xmen movie Prof. X,
Mark Meglaton is made from an Inspector Dectector figure and a
Captain Terror. I sculpted the head out of clay,
Sparky is made from a series 1 Speed, and last but not least
Oiler is made from an Assassin and a Grand Prix Speed. )
Racer series #4 recipes:
in the Jungle Speed:
I had a Grand Prix Speed's body left over after I took his head
to make Snake Oiler, so I dremeled off his shoes, pant legs, and
jacket sleeves. Then I needed a head so I used a series one Speed's
head and then I painted him.
Even though Trixie looks like the easiest one out of the bunch
it was actually very tricky to sculpt her shirt out of Knead-O.
We wont talk about how well endowed she is =^)
As Im sure you've all guessed Kabala is really Racer X in disguise.
I took a series one Speed helmet and used clay and sculpting putty
to turn the visor into Kabala's mask. The shoulder pads are made
out of Handi-Tak and I made the straps on his jacket out of vinyl,
so besides the helmet he's just a Racer X repaint.
From the head down... I took an Inspector Detector figure and
dremeled off the brim on his hat and gave him a closer shave.
Then I took a glob of this stuff called Knead-O it's a paper based
modeling compound that is really weird to work with but it air
dries into a neat porcelain finish anyway I molded his mask and
boots with the stuff and I think they came out Neat-O. Then I
searched high and low to find the perfect jacket for him when
it finally dawned on me to just put the Inspectors jacket on backwards.
And draw the details on. The rest is just paint and I got the
cape from an XMen Movie Magneat-O
oh yea the fake Mach 5 isnt finished I need to make the wings.
and the Mizmo ray gun!

them All !