a faithful Speed Racer fan who waited over thirty years to get
Speed toys, I felt that while the Speed Racer Toy line that came
out was exceptionally well done it was a tease to somebody who
has waited so long for action figures of their favorite childhood
hero.I felt the toy line needed to have some more key characters
from the show. Mainly Sparky, he's the whole reason I made these
customs once I made him I couldn't stop.
My plan is to continue the line in the same scale and style with
characters that were not produced And in the tradition of the
line I will "release" these characters in waves of 4
and also like toy company's so often due I will have the main
character, Speed, appearing in each series. Of course each Speed
will be a different version of how he actually appeared in the
show. NOT an "updated to target a younger audience Speed."
3 figures.

Doodle" Speed Racer, Mark Meglaton, Snake Oiler, Sparky
