by |
Senthil Veerapandian
e-mail |
yummijelly@yahoo.com |

Sin-eater: Made with a recent TMNT foot soilder head Taskmaster's
body and a shotgun put together from scraps. The rest is putty.

Bloodrose: Made with a Wonderman Figure with Bullseye's hands
straps from Omega Red's sholder pads straps, alot of putty .
Weapons made from scratch.

Kaine: Made from a BlackPanther Figure with the cae thingy
put together with bits from Dr Strange's cape. The hair
is from SF sota Vega witht he braids cut off. The rest is all

Doppelganger: Made from an Iron Fist Figure. The extra arms
are from movie punisher and legendary riders logan. The rest
of him is all putty.