The Amazing Spider-man: The Forgotten (series 26)
A sneak Peak of a future wave from The Amazing Spider-man
line. Series 26 would come with a sub title, The Forgotten.
This wave consists of 4 figures never before made in the 6 inch
scale with great articulation. They would be characters forgotten
in the last century but dying to surface yet again. This series
would also consist of one short packed figure that will surely
send the die hard fans ablaze!

First up is
Stanley Carter,The Sin-eater, a Cop gone bad who tried to
fight injustice with his own kind of justice. He was brought
down by Spider-man with the help of the Daredevil but was killed
in a shootout with the police. Assy: Shotgun

Richard Fisk, Blood Rose is the son of the Kingpin. Yet unlike
his father, he has vowed to take down his father's entire empire.
He's a vicious and ruthless killer who wont rest till every last
trace of the Kingpin is gone. Assy: Blaster and Army Dagger

Before Ben Reilly, there was Kaine. He was the Jackals first
Temporarily successful clone but he was flawed. We was in constant
degeneration. Kaine eventually learnt the truth behind the clone
saga and has to team up with Ben and Peter to figth the Jackal.
Supposedly dead, Kaine's whereabouts are unknown.

The Doppleganger, created during the infinity war, he's just
like Spiderman, only stronger and with teeth and claws. First
murdered by the Hobgoblin, he was revived by the Demogoblin and
became the "son" of Carnage. Carnage soon killed him
as he was being protective of Shriek.
Doppleganger is the short packed figure in this series.