COVER: Black / Heike wrap-around (new logo)
EDITORIAL CONTENT: Keys article; flexi-disc record
of FF theme song; 50th issue recap
MILESTONES: Ms. Victory I (Joan Wayne) is
reinstated as FF leader; Jen Burke is fired; Jason Burke
Story: The Final Hour (Countdown to Victory (31
pgs in 7 chapters)
Bill Black, story / pencils; Dick Ayers, pencils / letters;
/ Mark Heike / Chad Hunt, inks
She-Cat, Stardust and Synn rush to the hospital to visit the
injured Colt, who provides details of the final terrible
moments at Mystery World before the bomb's explosion. With
Luger in custody, Jen and Joan enjoy a happy reunion at FF
HQ surrounded by fellow heroes and heroines and Jen's son
Jason. Joan says that ironically, Voltzman's formula was
responsible for restoring not only her youth and powers but
her old Ms. Victory persona as well. Suddenly, a startling,
painful change comes over Joan - visions of her life flash
visibly around her, while her costume becomes a bizarre
split between Rad and Ms.Victory. Armed inexplicably with
the power to fire lightning-like blasts, she goes into a
Rad-like frenzy and takes on the entire assemblage of
heroes. Paragon, watching the TV coverage from Nikki
Latimer's Daytona apartment, gets a flash of insight as to
the true nature of Ms. Victory's powers and races for the
Orlando free-for-all, picking up the Green Lama on the way.
With the occult hero's mystic powers, Joan's mind is
cleansed and calmed. Paragon explains his theory that Ms.
Victory's powers are, like his own, derived from mental
energies rather than chemical. Assured that the old Ms. V is
back for good, Gordon abruptly fires Jen and reinstates Joan
as Femforce leader. With the battle over, Betty allows Jason
to exit the building through the hole in the wall to find
his mother. As he does however, a loose brick drops from
above, bringing his young life to a tragic end. Meanwhile,
Dragonfly is on her way back to Florida, free of the
Femforce and newly wealthy from her Span-XX modeling work.
Passing through a dense fog, she finds herself in front of a
strange castle in which she soon finds Nightveil suspended
by ghastly tendrils that are apparently feeding off her.
Before Dragonfly can react, more of the horrid appendages
seize her in the same manner. |