They Might
Be Legends
Customs by
Andrew Neville aka "hpz"
Web Address
Juggernaut - movie leaping hulk and epoxy putty costume details
Iceman - Movie Daredevil body, x2 wolverine shins forarms
and hands, human torch head, light up gambit coat, the x logo
is a push pin.
Nightcrawler - x2 cyclops body sanded down, daredevil shins
and forarms, light up nightcrawler feet, x2 nightcrawler hands
head and tail.
Bullseye - marvel legends namor body, x2 wolverine knees,
daredevil shins, dr doom hands, movie daredevil head, belt
from an old bullseye.
Wildman - marvel legends human torch with added height, movie
daredevil head, right arm and vest from an x2 wolverine, bell
bottom from an x2 nightcrawler and dr doom's belt.
Grey Hulk - marvel legends hulk and paint
Taskmaster - marvel legends wolverine, captain america head,
epoxy putty details, movie daredevil belt, hands and knife
from an Al Simmons, chest holster from a Neo figure
Chamber - x2 nightrawler body legs and arms, human torch hands,
movie daredvil boots, x2 cyclops head, the fire effect is liquid
nail mixed with different reds and yellows and swirled |