The Legion of Superheroes, for those of you that don’t
know, is DC’s superhero team from 1000 years into the
future. A simplistic view of the Legion might say it is comprised
young adults with special abilities from different planets
banding together to try to keep the future safe. Then again
nothing with The Legion is ever simple so I won’t get
into terms like pre-boot and post-boot (darn that Zero Hour
storyline)… Friday – The
Welcome to the fifth day of Legion
figures. The four previous days you saw teams that could move
a planet, hide a planet, power a planet, and occupy a planet… Today’s
figures are more likely to destroy a planet than do anything
else. Besides, what’s a Legion of Super-heroes
without a bunch of villains though? There’s also a couple
stragglers in here too.

Ea-Team: Every super team needs some
villains to beat up on. Here you
see some of the Legion’s greatest adversaries, The Fatal
5, The Time
Trapper, and such…

Composite Man: A rather nasty adversary for the Legion in
the past. C-Man is a Durlan, and like all Durlan’s has
the ability to change his shape. Unlike other Durlans, the
C-Man was engineered to mimic superpowers. He is one man with
the powers of The Legion…and
a nasty, anti-establishment disposition; not a fun adversary
I say.

Emerald Empress: A rather nasty lady, she knows a thousand
ways to kill every species in the United Planets. Teamed up
with the Emerald Eye of Ekron, she is a formidable adversary.
Put her in with the other four of the Fatal 5 and she is still

Grimbor: The Chains Man…this figure is an amalgam of
the pre-boot and the reboot. What can you say about a man that
likes to chain things up? Grimbor comes with chain accessory
but “volunteer” is
sold separately.

Lightning Lord: The older brother of Garth and Ayla Ranzz.
He has the same powers as his younger siblings, but not the
same mental stability. He’s the one that burned off Garth’s
arm, bet that would make for a good Thanksgiving conversation
at Mom’s.
Mano: Another member of the Fatal 5, Mano has the power to
disintegrate anything he touches with his right hand. This
always made me wonder what his glove was made from.

The Persuader: Give an evil man an Atomic Axe that can cut
through anything? I don’t think so. But they did it,
and here is the action figure to prove it. Oh yeah, they also
him up with four other homicidal types.

Tharok: Leader of the Fatal 5. He is a cyborg with a nasty
disposition and a plan.
Time Trapper and Lori
Morning: The Time Trapper is a nebulous villain. Apparently
he has the ability to manipulate time.
Lori, although not technically a villain, is one of the most
ill received
characters in Legion history. Basically she’s just a
20th Century girl who got whisked away into the machinations
of the Trapper’s
time ploys. The only way to get her figure sold was to package
it with
what many consider to be The Legion’s greatest adversary.
Validus: A member of the Fatal 5, but I don’t think
he knows it. Not much is known about this creature. He’s
big, susceptible to suggestion (as long as its evil I guess),
and he has mental
lightning. Oh yeah… you can see his brain too.

Overall: The Legion of Super-heroes, post-boot
for the most part. |