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Pilliod |
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Recipes *******************
most of the customs at ICP, the Transformers customs are only
meant to suggest the character, even if the sculpt is not 100%

Hound: Hound's base is Wheeljack. Kneadatite shapes
the torso and portions of the head, as well as the rocket launcher.
The arms are from some unknown Japanese character.

Bumblebee is Powerglide's base. The head is from Thrust (or
maybe Ramjet), slightly truncated with a styrene gun barrel
added. The "wings" are styrene.

Rumble: Rumble
is made from a Bumblebee. The chest was flattened and Kneadatite
shaped the sides. The head (with Kneadatite modifications)
is from some Japanese character. The chest and legs were created
in Photoshop and then printed and applied with gel medium.

Bluestreak is made from an Iron-Hide. Or maybe Ratchet. Kneadatite
forms the torso and styrene the "doors."

Seeker jets:
Starscream and Skywarp are simply repainted F-15s from Kay-Bee.

Prowl: Prowl
is made from an Iron-Hide. Or maybe Ratchet. Kneadatite forms
the torso and styrene the "doors."

Skyfire: Many Skyfires show up
on eBay. Most are just repainted Six-Shots. While this gets
the point across, it's pretty far from the design. This version
of Skyfire uses Six-Shot's torso, Rodimus Prime's legs and head,
an Optimus Prime variant's forearms, while the rest is Kneadatite
and styrene.