Customs By |
Erik Araña AKA
Ringslinger74 |
e-mail |
Ringslinger74@aol.com |

Cyclops: both are from DD's

Beast (blue): A ToyBiz Hulk Hogan (HULKAMANIA
RULES!!!) body with a Scott Hall (DRINKING RULES!!) head, and
Beast hands and feet. alot of sculpting too. I love him wearing
this costume with the blue fur...very cool. Thank you Walt Simonson!!!
Beast (human): both are from the X-Men five pack
with minor sculpting and paint jobs.

Angel: DD's body with that buffy kid's head, ya
know the one that was in Austin Powers too. He's on that FOX
puppet show as well...I forget his name...but it's head head
on the Angel figs. His wings are from the X-men five pack...I
need one more set though so I can finish the Neil Adams
Archangel: I need to finish Archangels wings and
the billboard...I have yet to figure out how to do the wings
well...the billbord will eventually be an "X-Factor: mutant
hunters" add. He was made out of a Spidey 2099 with DD's
head...GOD could I use him just one more time!!! DD is really
popular with me...luckily I can go down to FAO swartz and buy
like 100 of him and they'd still have a bunch to sell!