Batman made from Aquaman fig. for body. Head made from Deadman
fig,w/hand made bat-ears glued on and repainted.(kept glow-in-the-dark
eyes Cool effect!!) Cape made with spare black leather and glued
in place. Belt pouches From Silver age Spiderman and Scarlet
Spider figs. Buckle made from scrap plastic. Leg fins shaved
and smoothed. Arm fins cut to look like bat gloves.
Robin made from Aqualad fig. for body. Feet made from Deadman
fig. repainted and reglued to legs. Belt buckle and capsules
made from srape plastic. Cape and lower tunic made from cloth
and glued in place. Bat-a-rang hand-carved from scrap plastic.
Joker made from Uncle Sam fig. for body. Head made from a Mask
fig. Hair from molded plastic. Gun from various pile w/ handmade
sign attached.
Reverse Flash and Kid Reverse Flash (Why not?! Flash had a
sidekick!!) are repaints of the silver age Flash and Kid Flash.