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CustomCon is a fictional toy show showcasing the work of several customizers. You will not find these toys in your local toy store.



At last we get pictures of the latest JLA wave. These figures were rumored to be finished way back in November, but these are the first time we have been able to get pictures. The wave appears to cover a wide range of JLA incarnations, and includes (l-r) General Glory, Oliver Queen as Green Arrow, Steel from the 80’s incarnation of the JLoA, The Justice League Antaractica’s Multi-Man, and Firestorm.

General Glory is a combination of parts. The torso and arms are from the Flash, with additional Milliput on the glove cuffs. The head is from a Super Powers Captain America, and the legs are from Martian Manhunter with the feet cut off and repositioned for a different stance. The belt is a rubber band and the buckle is a bent paperclip. Not too much dremeling needed here, just on the cuffs of the gloves to remove the lightning insignia. Milliput was added to the neck to give a better fit between the head and torso. The detail on the eagle was done with a black paint pen.

Green Arrow comes from a Black Lightning torso and Superman’s right arm. The left arm is also from a Superman, with the hand replaced with one from a Mummies Alive Shibati Trooper. The legs are from a Superman with one leg cut off and repositioned to change the stance. The bow and quiver are both from a JLA Green Arrow. LOTS of dremeling on the torso to remove the lightning etches, with milliput used to fill smooth things out. The foot and hand were added by drilling a hole into the limb and body, glueing a piece of paperclip into the body hole, to act like a bone, and then gluing the other end into the limb. Milliput was used to smooth out the connection. A neck was added so that the head didn’t sink too far into the tunic. The belt buckle was cut out of a Super Powers Green Arrow and placed into a hole that was cut into the BL torso. Dark washes were used on the hair, chest, and arms to add depth.

Steel was a simple repaint of a Superman Blue.

Muli-Man’s head is from the Leader and the body is a Spiderman figure. The head incorporates a “short-heading” technique, where I cut the head in half at the forehead and took out about 3 mm of length. I then reattached the head with some screw lengths inserted into the top an bottom of the head. Milliput was used to smooth out the seam. The head was attached to the body by gluing a screw into the neck hole of the body and sealing it in with Milliput. The head was then screwed on to the screw after the neck hole in the head was enlarged a bit with a dremel. The collar was sculpted from Milliput.

Firestorm is a variation on a recipe from somewhere else using a Nova body from the Silver Surfer series. The legs were shortened at the ankles (thanks Chris G.!) pretty considerably. The head is from a Robot Wars Gambit with the hair removed and the flames sculpted on with Milliput. The design across the chest and back are sections of shoe-lace material with circles cut from the blister pack on the back.


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