a stunning development, Marvel Comics has joined forces with Chris
Marsh-Land Enterprises to bring the original X-Factor squad into
the plastic universe. And even more exciting, they have decided
to blatantly rip off the "Total Justice" style made
popular several years back by Hasbro and DC Comics. The line is
to be called, simply, "TJ-X." When asked what the 'TJ'
stood for, a representative of Chris Marsh-Land replied, "No
When asked why they decided to start the line off by depicting
the team in their second set of uniforms, instead of the originals,
the head of the production design team said, "These looked
cooler," and shrugged. "Besides," he added, "we
think it's a fair assumption that no one wants to see Jean Grey
dressed in green and yellow."
A second wave of figures was slated for release, in fact showing
the team in their original X-Factor uniforms, but it has already
been canceled. While no official word has been given on the reason
for the cancellation, rumors are already spreading. Several members
of the production team, speaking on condition of anonymity, said
they threatened management they would "stab 'em in the eye
with a spoon" if they were forced to paint any more of "those
friggin' yellow X-es."
