In 1984, there were enormous battle that clashed good, againt
evil. They were considered the greatest battle ever fought. These
amazing conflicts were known as Secret Wars. Today we are still
oblivious to these secret battles. Many of us thought that these
Secret Wars were over, but was there ever a true and clear victor.
Little does everyone know that these Secret Wars are just beginning.
Secret Wars III
These Secret Wars are being fought and lead today by a team of
brave, spirited and intelligent leaders: Spider-Man, Wolverine
and Iron Man. These great heros have assembled teams of remarkable,
gifted and powerful beings to battle against the relentless forces
of evil. In the new battles which we will call Secret Wars III,
past and present, forgotten legends
and neighboring heros lead by US Liberity of DC acclaim assist
in the fight againt merciless, ruthless and treacherous bands
of evil villains who's only ambitions are to destory good and
conquer the universe. what new figures will emerge to joint in
the battle for the first and maybe last time? Look out for SECRET
WARS III, beginning in October at CustomCon 5.

Fly, Gemini, Annihills III, Constrictor III

Wolverine, Citizen V, Spider-Man, Ironman, Bullseye

War Machine, U.S Agent, Triathlon.

Human Torch, Night Hawk, the Human Fly

Surfer, Captian Universe, Major Vance Astro

Raven, Blue Diamond, Whizzer, Patriot / Liberty Legion

Capricorn, Constrictor II

Tarantula, Venom, Sagittarius

Kid Nova, Blackbolt, Hawkeye, Wolverine (costume from cartoon