new lego wwf line gives fans the chance to re enact there favorite
story lines and make new ones, making them as wild and out of
this world as they want! And of course to set it all off here
are the biggest stars of professional wrestling today, in lego
form! This first series collects new and classic superstars, along
with great accessories.
Steve Austin: lego minifigt, lego cap and decoupaged shirt decals
Kurt Angle: lego minifig, milliput hair, milliput and cotton medals.
Chris Jericho: lego minifig, lego microphone, milliput hair
Mankind: lego minifig, milliput hair
Undertaker: lego minifig, modified lego bandana, lego motorcycle,
milliput hair.
Kane: lego minifig, lego casket, milliput mask and hair
team two pack
The Hardy Boyz 2 pack:
Jeff and Matt Hardy: lego minifigs, lego ladder, milliput hair
Hardcore ring: standard lego bricks, apron is cloth and ropes
are cotton.
Ring accessories: standard lego bricks